ITM arms co Ohio quality - AK Rifles
2009年4月27日 · There's a rifle on gunbroker, a Mk 99 PPsH "hybrid" that looks really nice to me, and from what I can see, looks to be of decent quality. It's an ITM gun, I believe made by ITM, and not just based on the ITM receiver.
ITM Arms MK99 - D4 Guns
This ITM includes a pinned wire stock and fixed Tapco muzzle brake and is a copy of the Hungarian AMD64. This rifle also includes one 20 round magazine and features black synthetic furniture. This rifle has been modified in a multitude of ways including having the foregrip removed and replaced with a lower forend and along with the upper ...
ITM MK 99 AK-47 - Carolina Shooters Forum
2012年1月25日 · My dad who lives in Florida was in the pawn shop today and spotted a Ak-47 marked ITM MK 99. The guy said he could take it with him for $300. Is that a good buy? Good guns or pieces of junk?
mk99 itm arms akm. i have some questions. (posting in Comments)
2022年7月16日 · Okay I think ITM is the company that put it together. the rifle itself (besides the receiver) is from a parts kit, meaning a real akm from some former combloc country. In short ITM is from Cleveland Ohio and they put that rifle together.
ITM Arms Co. Mk.99 - BDL LTD
ITM Arms Co. Mk.99 $ 995.00. Caliber 7.62×39, folding stock, copy of the Yugoslavian AMD64, w/one 30 round magazine, excellent condition. Quantity. Add to cart. SKU: 3425 Category: Sporting. Related products. High Standard SK-100 Sport-King $ 495.00 Add to cart; Walther PPK/S $ 695.00 Add to cart;
GS | Gun Auction: ITM Arms Co MK99 AK 47 in 7.62X39 caliber
ITM Arms Co MK99 AK 47 in 7.62X39 caliber. It features an underfolding stock and is in excellent condition. This is a Romanian AK build on an ITM receiver. It has a 16" barrel, underfolding stock, standard AK metal sights, a fore grip, and a Picatinny rail for optics. When folded it is only 26" long. It will come with two (2) 30 round magazines.
Pre-Owned: ITM MK99 7.62x39 AK47 w/Thumbhole Stock
Pre-Owned: ITM MK99 7.62×39 AK47 w/Thumbhole Stock $ 1,499.00 In good condition overall, fully functional, comes with one 30-round magazine, has side mount for optic.
just bought ITM MK-99 krinkov style ak-47 is this a decent ak for …
2013年12月29日 · Price depends on what kit was used and who built it. Some itm receivers were only heat treated around the holes which isn't a good thing. This makes for a soft receiver that will warp after putting it to use.
ITM Mk 99 7.62x39 AK Pistol - Northwest Firearms
2013年1月30日 · AK-47 Pistol 7.62 x 39mm Made in USA. Krink Brake, Sling, Tapco Galil style hanguards, 30 rd mag $1000 Or Cash + Kahr Cm-9 or PM-9 two tone, Glock 19 NS...
ITM ARMS , CO 7.62X 39 AK 47 pistol | Northwest Firearms
2022年12月24日 · ITM ARMS CO ,AK 47 PISTOL MODEL MK 99 7.62 × 39 2 - 30 ROUND MAGS MUZZLE BRAKE. New. Overview New posts New resources New media Latest activity. Forum. New posts Search discussions Forum Help. Classifieds. New Ads Handguns Rifles Shotguns Parts & Accessories Scopes & Optics Ammunition Reloading Supplies Curios & Relics Air Guns Knives Non ...