ITRF | Map - IGN
Click : open feature information popup. Maintain Ctrl then Click & Drag & release : Select points with a DragBox Maintain Ctrl + Shift then Click, move & click : Select points within a circle.
ITRF | Homepage
The objective of this web site is to distribute the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) products. ITRF94, ITRF96, ITRF97, ITRF2000, ITRF2005, ITRF2008, ITRF2014, ITRF2020 and ITRF2020-u2023 solutions are available for download. It also contains the description and list of all the IERS stations.
International Terrestrial Reference System and Frame
An International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) is a realization of the ITRS. Its origin is at the center of mass of the whole earth including the oceans and atmosphere.
ITRF | Itrf2020
Form per-technique long-term solutions (TRF + EOP), by rigorously stacking the time series, solving for station positions, velocities, EOPs and 7 transformation parameters for each weekly (daily in case of GNSS and session-wise for VLBI) solution with respect to the per-technique cumulative solution. During the iterative stacking process:
CGCS2000、WGS84以及ITRF框架坐标之间的差异和转换方法 - 知乎
通过分析ITRF框架参数,WGS84和CGCS2000坐标系的定义和实现以及历元和测站速度场对坐标的影响,总结出: CGCS2000采用ITRF97框,对准2000.0历元;是一套严密的坐标系统;当前WGS84与CGCS2000在历元引起坐标上的差别不能忽略,差别最大在分米级。
国际地球参考框架 - 百度百科
国际地球参考框架是 ITRS 的具体实现,即它是通过一组固定于地球表面而且假定只作线性运动的大地点的坐标及坐标变化速率组成,这些站点装备有不同的空间大地测量系统,并由IERS中心局的地球参考框架部负责建立和维护。 国际地球自转服务组织(IERS)每年将其所属全球站的观测数据进行综合处理分析,得到一个ITRF框架,并以IERS年报和IERS技术备忘录的形式发布。 ITRF是IERS中央局的三种产品之一 [5],其他两种产品为:地球自转参数和ICRS(国际天球参考框 …
Supporting the ITRF – International GNSS Service
ITRF is the basis for modern national geodetic systems and the metrological basis for any position based information, including mapping, 3D modeling, and GIS. The ITRF provides the foundation for nearly all ground-based and space-based observations in Earth system science and supports a variety of applications, such as: land surveying ...
Coordinates itrf with converter to all coordinate systems | UTM, …
Coordinates of itrf with large map. Formats: UTM, UTMRF/MGRS, CH1903, Gauss-Krueger, GK, NAC, W3W and WGS as decimal, decimal minutes or in degrees, minutes and seconds.
ITRF Coordinate Transformation Tool Online - 在线工具大全
Online ITRF Coordinate Transformation Tool: A coordinate transformation utility utilizing ITRF transformation parameters for conversions between ITRF reference frames, supporting epoch conversion via velocity fields. Compatible with over a dozen ITRF frameworks including ITRF2020, ITRF2014, ITRF97, and others. Accepts input coordinates in both geodetic (LBH: Latitude, Longitude, Height) and ...
ITRF2014 - EPSG:7789
2022年8月22日 · EPSG:7789 Geocentric coordinate system for World. Replaces ITRF2008 (CRS code 5332). Replaced by ITRF2020 (CRS code 9988). Geodesy.