IU East Course Listings
Subjects offered include AHSC - Applied Health Science ANAT - Anatomy ANTH - Anthropology AST - Astronomy BIOC - Biochemistry BIOL - Biology BSS - Behavioral & Social Sciences BUEA - Business East BUS - Business CHEM - Chemistry CJUS - Criminal Justice CMCL - Communication & Culture ECON - Economics EDUC - Education ENG - English FINA - Fine ...
Indiana University East
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IU East Course Listings - CHEM - Chemistry
CHEM-C 101 Elementary Chemistry I (3 cr) Introduction to chemistry; includes chemical and gas laws, atomic and molecular structure, energy, equilibrium, kinetics, states of matter, and applications in chemical processes. Usually taken concurrently with CHEM-C 121. Lectures and discussion. For non-science majors Credit given for only one of the following: CHEM-C 100, CHEM-C 101, CHEM-C 105, or ...
IU East Course Listings - BIOL - Biology
This course serves as a prerequisite or corequisite lab for BIOL-N 120 - The Biology of Mental Illness or BIOL-L 344 - Biology of Addictions. Lab fee required. This is a 100% online class taught by IU East. No on-campus class meetings are required. Offered every semester. BIOL-L 211 Molecular Biology (3 cr) Structure and function of DNA and RNA.
IU East Course Listings - BUS - Business
BUS-A 201 Introduction to Financial Accounting (3 cr) Covers the various concepts of financial accounting and its role in the business environment. Topics covered include the accounting cycle, financial statements, financial analysis, current assets, long-term assets, current liabilities, long-term liabilities, stockholders’ equity, and the various users of financial accounting information ...
Blog Archives - Indiana University East
Every Fall, IU East selects students to blog for the school year. We encourage our student bloggers to be creative and to have fun with it. Our bloggers are free to write about whatever they want (as long as it is appropriate, of course), which includes, but not limited to sports, campus events, and personal lives. What's Hot Student Research Day
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IU East Course Listings - PHSL - Physiology
Designed for pre-professional students in dental hygiene, radiography, and other allied health sciences. Meets requirement for completing required course work in anatomy and physiology for pre-nursing students who transfer to IU East with at least 5 credit hours of human anatomy and physiology from an approved school. Lab fee required.
IU East Course Listings - STAT - Statistics
STAT-S 431 Applied Linear Models I (3 cr) Part I of a two-semester sequence on linear models. This part presents the analysis of simple and multiple linear regression in the presence of simple and complex regressors. In addition, transformations, regression diagnostics, influence analysis, and regression shrinkage methods are introduced. …