IU7 | DC Animated Universe | Fandom
Infiltration Unit Seven (or IU7) was a synthoid drone created by the U.S. government. Infiltration Unit Seven's first known directive was to assassinate Roland De Fleures, a high-profile arms …
Infiltration Unit 7 | The Zeta Project Wiki | Fandom
Infiltration Unit Seven, the next generation of Infiltration Unit built after Zeta, assigns itself to the sole obsessive task of capturing its robotic predecessor. IU7 has the same mimicking skills as …
Bios - Infiltration Unit Seven (IU7) - DC Animated
Bio: An assassination unit sent after Roland Deflores, IU7 s memory was reprogrammed after his encounter with Zeta. With corrupted video logs of Zeta posing as Roland Deflores, IU7 set his …
The Zeta Project - Wikipedia
Zeta is a synthoid who was originally designed to gather information and kill select targets for the NSA. However, after realizing that one of his targets was actually innocent, he refused to kill …
Infiltration Unit 7 | Warner Bros. Entertainment Wiki | Fandom
Infiltration Unit Seven (or IU7) was a synthoid drone created by the U.S. government. Infiltration Unit Seven's first known directive was to assassinate Roland De Fleures, a high-profile arms …
终末的伊泽塔 - 百度百科
《终末的伊泽塔》是由藤森雅也执导、 吉野弘幸 负责系列构成、亚细亚堂制作的原创电视动画。 2016年10月1日起每周六22:00在 AT-X 首播。 [1]中国大陆每周六23:00在版权网站更新。 …
IU7 - Villains Wiki | Fandom
IU7 is a destructive and dangerous robot who appears in the animated TV series The Zeta Project. Although they denied it, the Infiltration Unit 7 was created by the goverment. He was …
Zeta | DC Animated Universe | Fandom
Infiltration Unit Zeta was an advanced tactical synthoid built for the NSA by the Zeta Project. With his holographic technology, he can impersonate any human. His mission was to discover …
终末的伊泽塔 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
《终末的伊泽塔》 (日语:終末のイゼッタ; 德语: Izetta, Die Letzte Hexe [1])是由 亚细亚堂 制作的一部动画。 于2016年10月开始播出的原创TV动画,以公元1940年的欧洲为舞台,描绘 …
终末的伊泽塔 (豆瓣) - 豆瓣电影
2016年10月1日 · 公元1939年,帝国主义国家日耳曼尼亚帝国突然开始了对邻国的侵略。 战火瞬间蔓延到整个欧洲,时代被卷入了大战的漩涡之中。 之后,1940年,日耳曼尼亚将其矛头指向 …