HOME – Industrial Valves Group
to be the global provider of flow solutions to the Energy industry trough continuos improvement, integrity, teamwork, and innovation. The management is working in the oil&gas industries from more than 20 years and has experience in the delivery of key high profile valve & actuated package and the full services for customer.
ABOUT US - Industrial Valves Group
Industrial valves Group was formed in 2017 specialising in the supply of valves, actuators, services and any other equipment for clients in the oil & gas and petrochemical industries. The management is working in the oil&gas industries from more than 20 years and has experience in the delivery of key high profile valve & actuated package and ...
The Company | IVG Colbachini - ivgspa.it
IVG Colbachini is an Italian company. We produce rigid mandrel rubber hoses that can reach continuous length up to 120 meters long. Hoses suitable to convey any type of fluid in different industrial sectors: oil & gas, food, chemical, construction, metallurgical, railway, naval.
CHI SIAMO - Industrial Valves Group
Industrial Valves Group è una realtà dinamica, pronta a nuove sfide. L’azienda è stata fondata nel 2017 ed è specializzata nella fornitura di servizi di ingegneria, valvole, attuatori e skid e si rivolge principalmente a clienti nel settore oil & gas e petrolchimico.
Home - IVG Colbachini
Sphere valve with nozzle and butterfly handle . Sphere valve with nozzle and butterfly handle - brass. Food coupling DIN 11851. Male fitting with hose shank . Male fitting with hose shank - stainless steel AISI 316. ... IVG Colbachini S.p.A. 2022, Vat number (IT) 00957910284 ...
iValve Systems, LLC - Home
Serving the need for more efficient, safe and environmentally-friendly valves and manifold systems. iValve Ball Valves are designed to save space with 40% less length than a conventional ANSI Valve. A more efficient flow design reduces friction and flow loss. iValve Check Valves are designed with compact size.
IVG(IVG)-悦通流体 - yetonhose.com
IVG用特有的硬芯生产工艺专业制造中低压橡胶软管,胶管长可达120M,直径800毫米。 四十多年来,IVG公司不断对橡胶材料、半成品及成品的新用途、新应用领域进行研究,始终独立完成软管的研发、设计直至生产流程,能够根据客户的具体需求量身定做适合的产品。
IVG拥有世界大的市场 IVG-MTG蒸汽软管水缆 - hejes.net
ivg用特有的硬芯生产工艺制造中低压橡胶软管,胶管长可达120m,直径800毫米。 四十多年来,IVG公司不断对橡胶材料、半成品及成品的新用途、新应用领域进行研究,始终独立完成软管的研发、设计直至生产流程,能够根据客户的具体需求量身定做适合的产品。
IVGK/IVTL – Intervalve® Poonawalla Ltd.
2023年9月14日 · A real workhorse from the IV stables, the IVGK and IVTL model butterfly valve incorporates the optimum design features to provide long, trouble-free service in the field. This general-purpose soft-seated Butterfly valve has a fully rubber lined single piece body with a centric disc construction that allows minimum flow restriction.
阀门仪表_球阀阀门_压力表批发-晟江工业品 - ivg.59598.com