y Authorized Nominated Body) IWS-ANB (Indonesian Welding …
The purpose of IWS-ANB is to offer IIW-IAB's internationally recognized qualifications for personnel acting in the field of welding and allied technologies. Since 2011, IWS-ANB has implemented the international system for the education, …
IWS-ANB (Indonesian Welding Society Authorized Nominated …
Jl. Bendungan Hilir Raya Blok G2/13 Jakarta 10210+6221 573 2233
IIW ANBs - International Institute of Welding
IIW Authorised Nominated Bodies (ANBs) for the Education, Training and Qualification of personnel.
Indonesia - IIW
Indonesia Indonesia Indonesian Welding Society (IWS) Indonesian Welding Society (IWS)RESPONSIBLE REPRESENTATIVEGusti Ruri Lestari ADDRESSJalan Bendungan Hilir Raya G-II/13 Jakarta Pusat 10210 Indonesia MOBILE+6281770737799
Semenjak tahun 2022, CMPFA telah ditunjuk oleh IWS-ANB sebagai salah satu Approved Training Body (ATB) sehingga secara resmi dapat menyelenggarakan pelatihan International Welding Engineer (IWE), International Welding Technolosgist (IWT), International Welding Specialist (IWS) dan International Welding Practitioner (IWP).
国际焊接学会授权的国家机构 IIW Authorised National Body
ATB是英语“Authorized Training Body”的缩写,是指ANB在其本国授权的组织机构,代表ANB按照IIW培训规程在其本国实施国际焊接人员资格的培训工作。 目前我国可以培训的焊接人员有:国际焊接工程师(IWE)、国际焊接技术员(IWT)、国际焊接技师(IWS)、国际焊接技士(IWP)、国际焊接质检人员 (IWIP)和国际焊工 (IW)。 可培训焊工、焊工教师、焊接技士、焊接技师、焊接技术员、焊接工程师及各层次的焊接质检人员;目前仅有哈尔滨焊接技术培训中心一 …
IIW Authorised Bodies - International Institute of Welding
Authorized Nominated Bodies (ANBs) administer exams, issue diplomas and certificates for personnel and authorize Training Bodies (ATBs). In the case of the certification of personnel (IIW Personnel Certification Scheme – PCS), specific requirements apply, such …
International Welding Expertise (IWS) - Training - tr-anb.org
IWS certification, Knowledge and competence in welding methods, quality management and process optimization at international standards to win. The IWS program provides professional responsibility for critical processes such as planning, implementation and supervision of welding operations. for individuals who wish to take on a welding role.
International Welding Specialist - B4T
International Welding Specialist yang diterbitkan oleh IIW melalui IWS-ANB dan B4T sebagai ATB Bagi peserta yang lulus tetapi belum mempunyai pengalaman kerja dalam bidang Teknologi Pengelasan, Engineering, Manufacturing Fabrication atau Inspeksi Pengelasan, Sertifikat / diploma akan diberikan setelah mempunyai pengalaman kerja sesuai persyaratan
International Welding Inspector - B4T
Internatioanal Welding Inspector-Standar Level, untuk: yang diterbitkan oleh IIW melalui IWS-ANB dan B4T sebagai ATB Bagi peserta yang lulus tetapi belum mempunyai pengalaman kerja dalam bidang Teknologi Pengelasan, Enginnering, Manufacturing Fabrication atau Inspeksi Pengelasan, Sertifikat / diploma akan diberikan setelah mempunyai pengalaman ...
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