IWS - Login - Army HRC Portal
Soldier Management Services - WEB Portal (SMS WEB) is a web-based collection of data, applications, and tools to assist Career Managers and Human Resource Personnel in supporting Active Army, Army Reserve, and Army National Guard Soldiers, veterans, retirees, family members, and other stakeholders.
IWS - POC - Army HRC Portal
The Adjutant General Directorate (TAGD) , US Army HRC: MR. STODDARD, MICHAEL SMS U. S. Army Physical Disability Agency: ZAMUDIO, VIVIAN SMS U.S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operation Command: MSG BARRETT, GALINA SMS U.S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operation Command: MS. ESCANO, YNGRID
IWS - Security and Privacy Notice - Army HRC Portal
You have been granted access to SMS WEB as an Authorized Official to assist you in the performance of your official duties. Official need to know and the performance of your official duties are the only reasons you have access to SMS WEB.
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IWS - Login - Army HRC Portal
Soldier Management Services - Web Portal (SMS Web) is a web-based collection of data, applications, and tools to assist Career Managers and other Human Resource Personnel in supporting Active Army, Army Reserve, and Army National Guard Soldiers, veterans, retirees, family members, and other stakeholders.
Portal - Login - Army HRC Portal
My Record Portal is HRC's self-service portal for the Army’s Active Duty, Reserve, National Guard, Retirees and Veterans. IPERMS data is no longer available in My Record Portal. Users must go to the iPERMS site to access their iPERMS records. To view your record in My Record Portal, log in and choose the icon that identifies your service type.