Challenges in infant and young child nutrition in the context of HIV
IYCF service delivery challenges will become more acute with efforts to roll out lifelong ART to all pregnant women with HIV, regardless of CD4 cell count. As countries review and amend their national PMTCT guidelines, the time is ripe to address implementation challenges by ensuring that IYCF plans, M&E and training are developed in tandem.
An Integrated Enhanced Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) …
There is little evidence of the impact of integrated programs distributing nutrition supplements with behavior change on infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices. We evaluated the impact of an integrated IYCF/micronutrient powder intervention on IYCF practices among caregivers of children aged 12–23 mo in eastern Uganda.
Do improvements in infant and young child feeding (IYCF) …
2024年4月5日 · Strategies to improve recommended infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices, especially during the first two years of life, are considered among the most effective. In this paper, we evaluate the long-run impacts of an innovative education strategy based on interactive play and performing arts implemented in El Alto, Bolivia on caregivers ...
Other Resource Hubs - IYCF
Can’t find what you’re looking for on the IYCF-E Hub? The IYCF-E Hub is designed to support practitioners in delivering essential nutrition programs for infants, young children, and mothers during emergencies. To explore additional IYCF resources, visit the pages below.
Life course learning experiences and infant feeding practices in …
Applying a Salutogenic Model of Health, this study on 14 mothers looks at women's life course learning experiences shaping appropriate IYCF practices during the first year of child's life in a rural district of Rwanda. Transcripts from in-depth …
The IYCF-E Toolkit has been designed as a collection of tools needed to begin implementation of IYCF-E programmes, as a new emergency nutrition activity. The Toolkit was envisioned not as a re-creation of existing tools and
The IYCF Framework Focal Point is responsible for leading the roll out of the IYCF Framework as described in the Framework as well as outlined in the Roll-out Guide. The 1 UNHCR/Save the Children. Infant and Young Child Feeding in Refugee Settings: A Multi-Sector Framework for
《全球iycf策略戴》课件 - 豆丁网
全球iycf策略概述. iycf策略是改善儿童营养的重要组成部分,旨在改善儿童的生长发育,提. 高儿童的免疫力,降低儿童死亡率。 iycf的定义及重要性. iycf的定义. iycf是指**婴幼儿喂养**,涵. 盖了从妊娠期到2岁儿童的整个. 喂养过程,是儿童健康成长和. 发展的基石 ...
Guidance for conducting an IYCF-E assessment
The purpose of this working guidance is to streamline the collection, analysis and interpretation of data on Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) practices for decision-making purposes at sub-national/local levels in humanitarian and fragile contexts. This guidance document is dynamic in nature, as feedback will be collated into subsequent ...
child friendly’ environment and facilitate optimal IYCF and child survival in refugee situations. The framework specifically encourages protection of pregnant and lactating women (PLW), infants and young children through multi-sectoral integration of IYCF-sensitive activities by taking advantage of all contact points
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