AACSB versus IACBE - And the winner is? - DegreeInfo
2013年8月17日 · In general, AACSB gets the largest and best-known schools -- in Florida, for example, nationally-known schools like UF, Florida State, and Miami are all AACSB members. …
AACSB vs IACBE | DegreeInfo
2007年1月30日 · IACBE is not yet recognized by the US DoE and is certainly not prestigious like the AACSB, so degrees with IACBE accreditation will not have the utility of an AACSB …
AACSB vs. IACBE - DegreeInfo
2003年12月27日 · IACBE - Bronze Standard - This is a relatively new organization and is not CHEA recognized. They seem to permit more flexibility in accreditation. The one visit I …
IACBE and CHEA | DegreeInfo
2011年1月28日 · Commissioners of IACBE have announced that the Board of Directors of the Council of Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) granted recognition to IACBE at its January …
AACSB and IACBE Accreditation | DegreeInfo
2005年7月25日 · IACBE is unlike the other two in that it has a philosophy of being outcome-focused. The main requirement is that IACBE members test their outgoing students and …
What about IACBE accreditation? - DegreeInfo
2012年4月16日 · IACBE and ACBSP were created by the same individual--John Green. I presented at IACBE two years ago and he stated that ACBSP was created first as an …
$60k AACSB DBA in accounting versus $30k IACBE PhD in …
2021年7月15日 · I have been weighing the two options: $60k AACSB DBA in accounting versus $30k IACBE PhD in accounting. In terms of college teaching job, would it be worthwhile to …
Iacbe | DegreeInfo
2007年6月9日 · Another poster asked for a citation when I referred to IACBE as a legitimate professional business accrediting, although unrecognized by CHEA, body. The reason I state …
IACBE Update - DegreeInfo
2010年11月13日 · From the IACBE website: Lenexa, Kansas, USA (January 2011) – The Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners of the International Assembly for Collegiate …
Prospects of ACBSP/ IACBE Merger? | DegreeInfo
2013年5月16日 · IACBE discussed here as a possible take-over target, is a newer organization than ACBSP, with a smaller membership and less successful growth pattern. Doug Viehland: …