IADI | International Association of Deposit Insurers
IADI is the global standard-setter for deposit insurance systems and the principal forum where deposit insurers from around the world meet to share knowledge and expertise.
Core Principles - IADI | International Association of Deposit Insurers
In July 2008, the BCBS and IADI decided to collaborate on developing an internationally agreed set of core principles for deposit insurance. A joint working group, comprising representatives from the BCBS’s Cross-Border Bank Resolution Group and IADI’s Guidance Group, was formed to develop a set of core principles to be submitted to the ...
About IADI - IADI | International Association of Deposit Insurers
IADI is the global standard-setter for deposit insurance systems and the principal forum where deposit insurers from around the world meet to share knowledge and expertise. The Association provides training and technical assistance and produces research and guidance on matters related to deposit insurance.
International Association of Deposit Insurers - Wikipedia
The International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI) was formed on 6 May 2002 with the purpose of sharing deposit insurance expertise with the world and contributing to the stability of financial systems as the standard setter for deposit insurance with a …
国际存款保险公司协会 - 华文百科
关于iadi. 国际存款保险公司协会(iadi)是用于存款保险系统的全球标准设定机构。它通过提高存款保险的有效性并促进与其他国际组织积极合作的存款保险和银行解决方案的国际合作来促进金融系统的稳定。
国际存款保险机构协会(IADI)简介 - 道客巴巴
May 4, 2012 · 2006 年 11 月 22 日 國際存款保險機構協會(International Association of Deposit Insurers, IADI)於 2002 年 5 月在瑞士巴塞爾成立,係設於國際清算銀行(BIS)下之國際組織,主要由各國存款保險機構組成,其他並包括各國中央銀行、金融監理機關及國際貨幣基金(IMF)、亞洲開 …
What we do - IADI | International Association of Deposit Insurers
IADI will prioritise research and analysis, as well as possible policy development, on coverage; funding and backstop arrangements; reimbursement; financial safety-net coordination and interaction with resolution; and impact of digitalisation (e.g., e-money). This work will inform the IADI Core Principles review.
The International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI) is the global standard-setting body for deposit insurance systems. IADI was formed in May 2002 to enhance the effectiveness of deposit insurance systems by promoting guidance and international …
Dec 12, 2014 · 2014年11月21日,国际存款保险机构协会(iadi) 发布修订后的《有效存款保险体系核心原则》(下称《存款保险核心原则2014年版》) ,对其会同巴塞尔委员会先后于2009年和2010年发布并经金融稳定理事会(fsb)批准的《有效存款保险体系核心原则》(下称《存款 ...
IADI Core Principles for Effective Deposit Insurance Systems - FSB
Nov 1, 2014 · The updated IADI Core Principles reflect the need for effective deposit insurance in preserving financial stability–a key lesson of the 2007-09 financial crisis. In the aftermath of the crisis, many deposit insurers saw their mandates enhanced and, in some cases, expanded to include resolution tools in addition to depositor reimbursement.