IADI | International Association of Deposit Insurers
IADI currently represents 103 deposit insurers. It is constituted as not-for-profit association under Swiss Law and hosted by the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland. See About IADI for more information.
About IADI - IADI | International Association of Deposit Insurers
IADI is the global standard-setter for deposit insurance systems and the principal forum where deposit insurers from around the world meet to share knowledge and expertise. The Association provides training and technical assistance and produces research and guidance on matters related to deposit insurance.
International Association of Deposit Insurers - Wikipedia
The International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI) was formed on 6 May 2002 with the purpose of sharing deposit insurance expertise with the world and contributing to the stability of financial systems as the standard setter for deposit insurance with a …
Terms & conditions - IADI | International Association of Deposit …
The IADI is not connected in any way with such scams, and cannot be held responsible if its name, logo and address are misused in schemes intended to defraud the public.
IADI Podcast — CDIC
Official podcast of the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI). Hosted by Dr. Bert Van Roosebeck, IADI’s senior policy and research advisor. Released on March 15, the episode will delve into IADI’s latest research paper on how deposit insurers globally prepare for crises, with a spotlight on case studies from Canada and Malaysia.
奥迪推出新品牌LOGO,四环没有了! - 网易
2024年11月9日 · 新推出的品牌以英文“AUDI”作为标识,取代了常见的四环LOGO,官方强调该品牌虽与四环奥迪同级且不隶属,共享“科技启迪未来”的品牌理念,但AUDI展现出更为年轻化、进取、勇敢的形象,倾向于时尚品牌的定位。 回顾奥迪的悠久历史,我们不难发现,“AUDI”字母车标实际上早于标志性的四环车标出现。 1932年,随着奥迪、DKW、霍希与漫游者的合并,象征着四家品牌团结一致的四环标志才应运而生。 从此,四环标志成为了奥迪品牌的标志性符号,深入 …
为什么奥迪的标志有4个圈 - AUDI China
2020年4月6日 · 1978年开始,白底黑字的椭圆形 logo 成为了应用的主流。 自1985年起,品牌和产品再次名称共享,Audi(奥迪)成为统一对外名称。 在上世纪90年代,奥迪重新聚焦于四个圈的 logo 设计,并进行了三维立体的应用。
Audi | Logopedia | Fandom
In November 2024, Audi, along with SAIC Motor, announced a new Chinese electric vehicle brand under the name AUDI with a logo (used on the E concept model) without the four rings to distinguish both brands. It is planned to debut in China from mid-2025.
Imagerie Adaptative Diagnostique et Interventionnelle
L’unité d’Imagerie Adaptative Diagnostique et Interventionnelle INSERM U1254 développe des techniques et des méthodes pour améliorer l’imagerie des organes en mouvement.
Audi Logo, symbol, meaning, history, PNG, brand - Logos-world
2024年7月30日 · The basis of the Audi logo is four rings lined up in one row and superimposed on top of the other. They are white or black, depending on the background. The simple yet iconic emblem represents the automotive brand worldwide. There are three ring thicknesses: Audi Rings Standard, Audi Rings Medium, and Audi Rings Light.