IAMX - Wikipedia
IAMX is the solo musical project of Chris Corner founded in 2002 in London, England after the hiatus of his former band Sneaker Pimps. [1] It is an independent music project with a secondary focus on the experimentation of visual art.
Chris Corner - Wikipedia
Christopher Anthony Corner (born 23 January 1974) is an English record producer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, singer and video artist. He was a founding member of the band Sneaker Pimps alongside Liam Howe, and is now active with his solo project IAMX. [1]
The Unified Field - Wikipedia
The Unified Field is the fifth studio album by IAMX. On 19 October 2012 the album title was officially announced on IAMX's PledgeMusic page. [1] On 22 January 2013 the album cover and track listing were revealed. [2]
IAMX - Wikipedia
IAMX è un progetto musicale di musica elettronica fondato nella prima metà degli anni duemila per iniziativa del musicista britannico Chris Corner. [3] Corner ha spesso ricordato come tale progetto nasca come un'esternazione quasi teatrale e non necessariamente legata alla sua persona fuori dalla formazione degli Sneaker Pimps. Chiarimento in ...
IAMX — Wikipédia
IAMX est un projet musical solo lancé par Chris Corner. Chris Corner a d'ailleurs dit à maintes reprises qu’IAMX est très différent de sa réalité, de sa réelle personnalité et sa musique est une sorte « d'acte ».
iamx - 百度百科
IAMX这项极具创新的音乐项目完全由Corner一人主导,没有一家唱片公司或是经济管理人可以束缚这位完美主义者的创造力,禁锢他的决定。 只有他的好友和配合现场演奏的乐队成员可以介入IAMX的空间
IAMX - Wikipedia
IAMX is een nevenproject van Chris Corner, zanger bij Sneaker Pimps. De stijl van Corners eerste album is donker, erotisch en beïnvloed door verschillende muziekstijlen, vooral het elektronische genre (denk onder andere aan Depeche Mode en Front 242) maar kan tegelijk ook onder de britpop worden geschaard.
IAMX – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
IAMX – solowe przedsięwzięcie Chrisa Cornera. Artysta wielokrotnie zapewniał, że IAMX bardzo różni się od jego prawdziwej osobowości i jest rodzajem quasi „gry”. Główne tematy muzyki IAMX stanowią: obsesje, poczucie wyobcowania, zawikłane związki międzyludzkie, biseksualizm, nietypowy seks, ateizm , śmierć, a w ...
Official website for IAMX. Skip to content Shop Shop New Music Music CDs Vinyl Downloads All Music Shop by Album Shop by Album ...
Volatile Times - Wikipedia
Volatile Times is the fourth studio album from IAMX. It was released on 18 March 2011 and the tracks on the album keep alive the cabaret-esque and dark electronic sound that Chris Corner has become known for.
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