Ian Bell (programmer) - Wikipedia
Ian Colin Graham Bell (born 31 October 1962 in Hatfield, Hertfordshire) programmed, designed and developed the computer game Elite (1984) with David Braben, which met with much acclaim. [1] Bell attended the independent St Albans School.
Elite (video game) - Wikipedia
Elite is a space trading video game. It was written and developed by David Braben and Ian Bell and was originally published by Acornsoft for the BBC Micro and Acorn Electron computers in September 1984. [2]
Ian Bell - Elite Dangerous Wiki
Ian Colin Graham Bell is a British game programmer, game designer and game producer. He is best known for co-developing the original Elite with David Braben in 1984. [1] Ian Bell was born on born 31 October 1962 in Hatfield, Hertfordshire. He attended St Albans School and studied at Jesus College, Cambridge. [1]
Ian Bell's Elite pages
The Elite Home Page " Elite " was originally written in 1984 by myself ( Ian Bell ) and David Braben for the BBC Microcomputer. It has since been converted to many platforms.
Elite (video game series) - Wikipedia
Elite is a space trading and combat simulation video game series created by David Braben and Ian Bell in 1984. The Elite series has been revolutionarily innovative, genre defining, and the longest running space sim series in history.
Elite - The New Kind
Elite: The New Kind is a conversion of Acornsoft’s Elite, the classic space trading and combat game. Elite was originally written by Ian Bell and David Braben and published by Acornsoft in 1984 on the BBC Micro and Acorn Electron.
Ian Bell's 6502 Elite Page
C64 Elite was programed by myself (Ian Bell) and David Braben and published in 1985. If you don't like the iconbar control system of NES Elite this is better-emulated than the BBC versions. I recommend you use the C64 emulator Frodo with this image. Here are brief instructions on how to load it. The zip file contains a list of game controls.
Ian Bell's Z80 Elite Page
I think you are far better off emulating NES or C64 Elite but the Spectrum, Amstrad and MSX versions are also emulable. Spectrum Elite was programmed by Torus and published by Firebird in 1985. You can find a selection of Spectrum emulators at Planet Sinclair. Click here to download 48K Spectrum Elite (28 Kbytes)
Elite (Computerspiel) – Wikipedia
Elite ist ein 1984 erschienenes Science-Fiction-Computerspiel von Ian Bell und David Braben, das Wirtschaftssimulation und eine bewaffnete Weltraum-Flugsimulation verbindet. Mit seiner mehr als tausend Planeten umfassenden Spielwelt sowie Verzicht auf ein klar definiertes Spielende gilt Elite als früher Vertreter eines Open-World-Spiels .
GitHub - industrialsynthfreak/textelite: Variation of Ian Bell's "Text ...
Variation of Ian Bell's "Text Elite" game for python 3 - industrialsynthfreak/textelite