Colt IAR6940 - Wikipedia
The Colt Infantry Automatic Rifle 6940 (commonly shortened to Colt IAR or IAR6940) is a light machine gun designed by Phil Hinckley and manufactured by American firearms manufacturer Colt.
Colt IAR 样 枪 - 枪炮世界
在2008年底美国国防部采购网站上公开的四份 IAR 合同中,柯尔特公司就占了两份(合同号为 M67854-09-D-1035 和 M67854-09-D-1036 ),型号分为为6040和6940H。这两种柯尔特 IAR 大概只是散热设计的细节上不同,重量也不一样,分别为10.1磅(约4.58kg)和9.28磅(约4.21kg)。但 ...
The Colt IAR6940 (Infantry Automatic Rifle) - Small Arms Review
2014年10月1日 · Colt Defense was awarded developmental contracts for two of their entries, the IAR6940 and the IAR6940H. The left side of the IAR with a closer look at the heat sink as well as the Grip Pod. The Colt IAR6960 is a lightweight, gas …
Colt IAR6940 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The Colt IAR6940 is a squad automatic weapon designed by Phil Hinckley and manufactured by Colt's Manufacturing LLC. It is based on the design of the AR-15 series of rifles. The Colt IAR was made to compete with the FN HAMR and M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle for the IAR program. Three prototypes were made.
Infantry Automatic Rifle 6940E - The Colt AR-15 Resource
The Colt Infantry Automatic Rifle existed in three prototype configurations before being produced in this final configuration. The three prototypes competed for the USMC IAR contract that was eventually awarded to H&K. The IAR has been adopted by both law enforcement and military organizations around the world.
新加坡陆军开始使用柯尔特 IAR6940E-SG 轻机枪 - 网易
2024年5月30日 · 柯尔特 6940 步兵自动步枪(通常缩写为柯尔特 IAR 或 IAR6940)是一款由菲尔·欣克利设计、美国枪械制造商柯尔特制造的轻机枪。 IAR6940 是作为步兵自动步枪计划的一部分而开发的,目的是“以更轻、更便携的方式满足 FN M249 SAW 目前在美国海军陆战队中扮演的角色”,但最终输给了黑克勒-科赫制造的 M27 步兵自动步枪。 IAR 6940 与 CAR-15 类似,具有许多基本特征,但采用直接撞击系统而非气体活塞系统,并在枪管下方装有大型散热器。 特别声 …
Colt IAR Model 6940 light machine gun (USA)
The Colt IAR light machine gun specifications: Caliber: 5.56x45mm; Length: 850-933 mm; Barrel length: 409 mm; Weight empty: 4,3 kg; Rate of fire: 700-1000 rounds per minute; Feed and capacity: Magazine, 30 – 150 rounds
Colt Infantry Automatic Rifle (IAR6940) - The Colt AR-15 Resource
2019年2月8日 · U.S. Armament Corporation is the manufacturer for Colt. The cost is $1995.00. The heavy barrel and unique heatsink make this weapon configuration stand out from other AR-15/M-16/M-4 variations. The IAR6940 on Colts Manufacturing website: https://www.colt.com/detail-page/colt-infantry-automatic-rifle-iar. …
COLT INFANTRY AUTOMATIC RIFLE (IAR™) UPC: 098289990006 Model: Infantry Automatic Rifle (IAR™) SKU: IAR6940 Based on the battle proven M16/M4 series of rifles, new unique design features include a patented Monolithic Upper Receiver* with MIL-STD-1913 rails at the 12, 3, and 9 o’clock positions, as well as a lower rail system with a MIL-STD-
【有片】新加坡宣布採用Colt IAR 6940 取代Ultimax 100系列機槍
2023年5月8日 · 新加坡國防部(MINDEF)近日證實,在經過廣泛的測試與評估後,已選定採用捷克CZG軍械集團旗下Colt公司生產的IAR 6940自動步槍,取代現役的Ultimax 100系列班用機槍,作為陸軍新一代班用自動武器,搭配一般單兵使用的SAR-21系列犢牛式步槍。