IAR-827 - Wikipedia
The IAR-827 was an agricultural aircraft built in Romania in the 1970s and 1980s. The penultimate member of the family of designs that began with the IAR-821, it was, like the others, a conventional low-wing monoplane with fixed, tailwheel undercarriage, and shared the all-metal construction of the IAR-826.
IAR-827型飞机 - 百度百科
iar-827a是罗马尼亚航空制造公司研制的农业机。 1973年初开始设计,设计标准满足美国联邦航空条例第23部的要求,机身设计寿命22000起落。 设计时特别强调要减少化学剂腐蚀。
I.A.R. 827 - agricultural aircraft - aviastar.org
The IAR-827 is a developed version of the all-metal IAR-826 designed in 1973 by Dipl Ing Radu Manicatide. His aim was to produce an agricultural aircraft with an airframe life of 4000 hours or 22 000 flights which could carry 2kg per hp of payload, with an airframe expressly designed to minimize damage from chemical corrosion in the field.
IAR-827 - Wikiwand
The IAR-827 was an agricultural aircraft built in Romania in the 1970s and 1980s. The penultimate member of the family of designs that began with the IAR-821, it was, like the others, a conventional low-wing monoplane with fixed, tailwheel undercarriage, and shared the all-metal construction of the IAR-826.
IAR-827型飛機:設計特點,機翼,機身,尾翼,起落架,動力裝置,座艙,機 …
iar-827a是羅馬尼亞航空製造公司研製的農業機。 1973年初開始設計,設計標準滿足美國聯邦航空條例第23部的要求,機身設計壽命22000起落。 設計時特彆強調要減少化學劑腐蝕。
[科普中国]-IAR-827型飞机- · 科普中国网 - kepuchina.cn
iar-827a是罗马尼亚航空制造公司研制的农业机。 1973年初开始设计,1976年7月开始飞行试验.最初装一台阿芙科·莱康明公司IO-720DAlB八缸水平对置活塞发动机,后在原型机上改装一台PZL-3S发动机,1979年改装PZL-3S发动机后的IAR-827A获得型号合格证,1981年开始批生产 ...
The IAR-827 (Figure 4) is a single/two-seat, low- wing agricultural monoplane with greatly increased payload capabilities over the IAR-822 and IAR-826. It is powered by a single 600-horsepower, Polish PZL-3s, seven-cylinder, radial, air- cooled engine.
BUCURESTI IAR-827 Dacic - IR27 L1P L/G - doc8643.com
The ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) Doc 8643 document contains designators for those aircraft types which are most commonly provided with air traffic service (ATS)
Category:IAR 827 - Wikimedia Commons
Az átépített IAR–828 gázturbinás változat a bukaresti Román Nemzeti Repülési Múzeumban
IAR 827 aircraft photos - AirHistory.net
Romanian designed and built agricultural aircraft. Cancelled from the register as scrapped in 1991.