VRC International
Valuabilitas Reabilitas Certification (VRC) diakreditasi oleh Badan Akreditasi dari negara Inggris yaitu International Accreditation For Certification Bodies ( IASCB ) dengan nomor keanggotaan : 001. Kami bekerja dengan berbagai bisnis mulai dari pedagang tunggal hingga organisasi multinasional dengan banyak cabang.
The IASCB, International Accreditation For Certifying Bodies, is an independent and self-funded accreditor meeting in accordance with international accepted regulations the needs of both certifier and certified
IASCB - International Accreditation Services for Certification
Conformity to International Standards helps reassure consumers that products, systems and organizations are safe, reliable and good for the environment. Numerous studies have shown that standards boost business and economies.
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VRC International is a Conformity Assessment Body as per requirement of ISO 17021 and meet the requirement of all Mandatory Documents of International Accreditation Forum for the Management System Certification ±heme.
The IASCB, provides accreditation to certifying bodies/registrars throughout the world. Our services cover accreditations in the following non-regulated sectors: The IASCB undertakes to conduct its business activities according to our intrinsic philosophy, values and agreed objectives.
IASCB - International Accreditation Services for Certification
The International Accreditation Services for Certification Bodies (IASCB) is an alliance of organizations dedicated to assuring competency, professional management, and service to the public by encouraging and setting standards for licensing, certification, and …
the IASCB comprises individuals who have infinite value and worth to our organisation and clients. They combine to make a unified team fully capable and dedicated to deliver our services. We …
IASCB - International Accreditation Services for Certification
This document contains policies and procedures required for becoming an accredited certification body of IASCB. The certification bodies are required to demonstrate the relevant evidences to comply with this policy document.
VRC International
PT. Valuabilitas Reabilitas Certification (VRC) diakreditasi oleh Badan Akreditasi dari negara Inggris yaitu International Accreditation For Certification Bodies ( IASCB ) dengan nomor keanggotaan : 001. Kami bekerja dengan berbagai bisnis mulai dari pedagang tunggal hingga organisasi multinasional dengan banyak cabang.
Mengenal Badan Akreditasi ISO – Yantaz Consulting
2022年6月15日 · Badan-badan akreditasi ini mengawasi lembaga-lembaga yang mengaudit dan memberikan sertifikat (Sertification Body) seperti: SGS Sucofindo, VRC Internasional, ACM Indonesia, WQA Indonesia, SISIR di Singapura, SIRIM di Malaysia, TISI di Thailand, BPS di Philipina, L’Loyd dan BSI di Inggris dan lain sebagainya.