Interceptor multi-threat body armor system - Wikipedia
The IBA system consists of its core component: the outer tactical vest (OTV), which can optionally be worn with a throat protector, groin protector, and biceps (or deltoid) protector. The latter …
Improved Outer Tactical Vest - Wikipedia
The Improved Outer Tactical Vest (IOTV) is an enhanced version of, and a replacement for, the older Outer Tactical Vest (OTV) component of the Interceptor multi-threat body armor system, …
Body Armor - Defense Logistics Agency
Interceptor Body Armor (IBA) is composed of the Outer Tactical Vest/Improved Outer Tactical Vest (OTV/IOTV), the Small Arms Protective Inserts/Enhanced Small Arms Protective Inserts …
IBA is the model name for modular, multiple-threat body armor, consisting of the Outer Tactical Vest (OTV), Small Arms Protective Insert/Enhanced SAPI (SAPI)/(ESAPI), Deltoid and Axillary …
再好的防弹衣也难逃退役的命运 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
otv,又名iba,或者拦截者防弹背心,其最初于1997年试装备美国陆军单位,自2000年后逐渐普及各军种地面战斗单位。 但自2007年起就逐渐被更新的防护背心所替代,前后仅仅装备了短 …
Interceptor Body Armor - CIE Hub
IBA consists of: an outer tactical vest (OTV) and; a pair of small arms protective inserts (SAPI). The OTV consists of a combination of a soft fabric vest and para-aramid fiber panels that …
科普贴之OTV简论_作战装具_战甲军品资料网 - junpin360.com
2013年2月26日 · otv,又名iba,或者拦截者防弹背心,其最初于1997年试装备美国陆军单位,自2000年后逐渐普及各军种地面战斗单位。 但自2007年起就逐渐被更新的防护背心所替代,前 …
Interceptor Body Armor Outer Tactical Vest - CIE Hub
The Outer Tactical Vest (OTV) provides protection from conventional fragmenting munitions and multiple hits from 9mm handgun rounds. The base vest consists of a back panel, front right …
Interceptor Body Armor - GlobalSecurity.org
The Outer Tactical Vest (OTV) is a modular soft armor system; its protection can be tailored to a particular mission threat by adding or removing subcomponents. The OTV provides...
IIIA OTV Interceptor MOLLE Vest - International Armor
International Armor’s OTV Interceptor Vest is the upgraded version of the U.S. military OTV providing full NIJ ballistic threat level 3A coverage. The OTV is a front opening design, …