Home - Institute of BioEnergetic Medicine
Welcome to the Institute of BioEnergetic Medicine (IBEM)! We are a natural healing seminary dedicated to the spiritual principles of Native American Medicine (NAM) which includes North and South America, and the empirical experiences of traditional Natural Doctors.
Curriculum - Institute of BioEnergetic Medicine
IBEM designed the curriculum to provide the expertise and knowledge needed for the natural healing career. We have included over 50 modalities in the natural medicine doctor and bioenergetic doctor programs.
ABOUT - Institute of BioEnergetic Medicine
IBEM is the first doctorate education program of BioEnergetic medicine in North America. We obtained our federal 501(C)(3) non-profit organization status, summer of 2014, as a natural medicine school and American Indian seminary.
IBEM offers an internationally recognized doctoral degree program designed to ensure our students are well-equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to be sacred medicine, natural health and bioenergetic medicine practitioners.
DEGREE PROGRAMS - Institute of BioEnergetic Medicine
this is what IBEM does. We provide training and continuing education units (CEUs) for natural medicine and bioenergetic doctors. All Doctoral candidates must complete in the first year of the Auricular and Biofeedback programs.
Admissions - Institute of BioEnergetic Medicine
Whether enrolling as a new student in Auricular Therapy and/or Biofeedback or as a doctoral student, the IBEM application process is straightforward. Just complete either the Auricular and Biofeedback Certificate Program or the IBEM Doctorate Program enrollment form and send it …
Tuition - Institute of BioEnergetic Medicine
IBEM enrollment fee. CBP Certification Exam. ACI Auricular Certification Exam. Student I.D. card
Faculty - Institute of BioEnergetic Medicine
IBEM faculty and instructors are skilled healers with a commitment to preserving and disseminating natural healing methods. They bring over 100 years combined clinical experience in many healing disciplines.
Dr Meredith A McCord - Institute of BioEnergetic Medicine
She received a Doctorate in Bioenergetic Medicine, Docotrate in Natural Medicine and a Doctorate in Sacred Medicine from the Institue of BioEnergetic Medicine in Colorado. Dr. Meredith McCord is a board member of, and an instructor at, the Institute of BioEnergetic Medicine (IBEM).
Dr Edward Sullivan - Institute of BioEnergetic Medicine
In 2007, Dr. Sullivan founded the Institute of BioEnergetic Medicine (IBEM), the first doctoral program for Bioenergetic Medicine in North America. Through IBEM, Dr. Sullivan has been able to pursuie a lifelong goal to nurture, educate and certify dedicated and passionate students in Auricular, Biofeedback, Natural Medicine, and Bioenergetic ...