Heart Nebula - Wikipedia
This open cluster of stars, known as Collinder 26, Melotte 15, or IC 1805, contains a few bright stars nearly 50 times the mass of the Sun, and many more dim stars that are only a fraction of …
心臟星雲 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
心臟星雲,或稱為 心狀星雲 (英語: Heart Nebula),即 IC 1805 、 Sh2-190,是一個距離地球約7500光年,位於 銀河系 英仙臂 的星雲,在天球上位於 仙后座。 這個 發射星雲 內有熾熱的 …
心脏星云 - 百度百科
心脏星云,或称为心状星云(Heart Nebula),即 IC 1805、Sh2-190,是一个距离地球约7500光年,位于银河系英仙臂的星云,在天球上位于仙后座。 这个发射星云内有炽热的气体和黑暗 …
IC 1805:心脏星云 | NASA中文
2019年9月11日 · First, the large emission nebula dubbed IC 1805 looks, in whole, like a human heart. The nebula glows brightly in red light emitted by its most prominent element: hydrogen. …
The Heart Nebula (IC 1805) - AstroBin
The Heart Nebula, also known as IC 1805 or Sharpless 2-190, is an emission nebula located in the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way galaxy. It is situated in the constellation Cassiopeia, …
IC 1805 – The Heart Nebula - AstroBackyard
The Heart Nebula (IC 1805) is a large emission nebula in the constellation Cassiopeia. The beauty of this iconic astrophotography target is due to its mix of both bright pink hydrogen gas, …
Heart Nebula (IC 1805) - Constellation Guide
2016年7月5日 · The Heart Nebula (IC 1805) is an emission nebula located at an approximate distance of 7,500 light years from Earth, in the constellation Cassiopeia. It is also known as …
IC1805心脏星云 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
引自百度百科:心脏星云,或称为心状星云(Heart Nebula),即 IC 1805、Sh2-190,是一个距离地球约7500光年,位于银河系英仙臂的星云,在天球上位于仙后座。 这个发射星云内有炽热 …
心脏星云 (IC1805) | 探秘宇宙之美-心脏星云 (IC1805)
心脏星云( ic1805)是一个活跃的恒星形成区域。在它闪耀的光芒中,隐藏着年轻的恒星正在孕育。这些新生恒星正在借助星云中的气体来供应自身的生长和燃料。
APOD: 2019 September 11 - IC 1805: The Heart Nebula
First, the large emission nebula dubbed IC 1805 looks, in whole, like a human heart. The nebula glows brightly in red light emitted by its most prominent element: hydrogen. The red glow and …