Ai-CHA Ice Cream & Tea - Quality Drinks at Affordable Price
A modern ice cream and beverage shop offering high-quality ingredients at affordable prices. Experience the deliciousness of fresh ice cream, milk tea, and real fruit tea at Ai-CHA!
Ai-CHA - Menu
Ai-MILK TEA RED BEAN Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Libero, mauris fusce varius habitant massa consectetur adipiscing elit.
Ai-MILK TEA PEARL - Daftar Menu Ai-CHA Ice Cream & Tea
Ai-MILK TEA RED BEAN Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Libero, mauris fusce varius habitant massa consectetur adipiscing elit.
Our Store | Ai-CHA Ice Cream and Tea - aichamy.com
Discover Ai-CHA Ice Cream and Tea stores. Visit us for a wide variety of delicious ice creams, trendy drinks, and more! Find the nearest store today
Tentang Ai-CHA Ice Cream & Tea
About Ai-CHA. Ai-CHA was founded in 2019 by the Lie brothers and successfully opened the first outlet in Indonesia on August 2022. We aim to serve good quality drinks at an affordable price. The name Ai-CHA itself comes from the combination of Chinese characters “爱”(ài) and “ …
Chaice Cream
Your New Favorite Way to Enjoy a Cup of Cha. A refreshing bowl of Chaice Cream is the perfect accompaniment to a summer day. The traditional flavors of Masala Cha pair beautifully with the rich, creamy decadence of ice cream, transforming the classic into a sweet treat. Order your pint for pick up or delivery today! Available in two flavors:
Cha's Ice Cream & Grill
Cha's Ice Cream & Grill 329 West St Ludlow, MA 01056 +100 miles Store info View menu
ChaCha Vegan Ice Cream
吃一口令人感動流淚的美好 療癒夏日傲嬌的高溫 ChaChaVeganIceCream為愛出發,採用堅果、非基改豆乳、不含奶蛋、無動物性成份、無氫化植物油,小孩吃的健康,大人吃的安心。 Cha Cha 是小主人的英文名字Charlie 取前3個字母為名,Logo以小主人的造型設計!
Ai-CHA Ice Cream & Tea in Laos - Quality Drinks at Affordable Price
A modern ice cream and beverage store in Laos, offering high-quality ingredients at affordable prices. Enjoy the delicious taste of fresh ice cream, milk tea, and real fruit tea from Ai-CHA!
全植物堅果冰淇淋 | ChaCha Vegan Ice Cream
ChaCha 全植物堅果冰淇淋,不可思議絲綢口感,為你帶來心中最初的美好。 採用堅果、非基改豆乳、不含奶蛋、無動物性成分、無氫化植物油。 冰淇淋基底粉不使用 ... ChaCha 全植物堅果冰淇淋,不可思議絲綢口感,為你帶來心中最初的美好。 採用堅果、非基改豆乳、不含奶蛋、無動物性成分、無氫化植物油。 冰淇淋基底粉不使用。 ... ChaCha 全植物堅果冰淇淋,不可思議絲綢口感,為你帶來心中最初的美好。 採用堅果、非基改豆乳、不含奶蛋、無動物性成分、無氫化植 …