Ice-nine - Wikipedia
Ice-nine is a fictional material that appears in Kurt Vonnegut's 1963 novel Cat's Cradle. Ice-nine is described as a polymorph of ice which instead of melting at 0 °C (32 °F), melts at 45.8 °C …
Phases of ice - Wikipedia
On Earth, most ice is found in the hexagonal Ice I h phase. Less common phases may be found in the atmosphere and underground due to more extreme pressures and temperatures. Some …
冰IX - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
冰九(Ice IX)是水的一种固体形态,在温度140K或-133.15摄氏度以下且压力介于200到400兆帕时保持稳定。 它具有 四方 晶格,密度为1.16克/厘米 3 ,比普通冰高26%。
Ice-nine (Ice IX ) - GitHub Pages
Ice-nine (ice IX) is the low-temperature equilibrium, slightly denser, structure of ice-three (Space group P4 1 2 1 2, cell dimensions 6.692 Å (a) and 6.715 Å (c) at 165 K and 280 MPa ). Ice III …
冰IX - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
冰九(Ice IX)是水的一種固體形態,在溫度140K或-133.15攝氏度以下且壓力介於200到400兆帕時保持穩定。 它具有 四方 晶格,密度為1.16克/厘米 3 ,比普通冰高26%。
Ice-Nine by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. from Cat's Cradle - Technovelgy
Ice-IX was discovered in 1968. It exists only under high pressure and does not have the properties of Vonnegut's ice-nine (thankfully!). Kurt Vonnegut's brother held a PhD in physical …
Ice IX: An Antiferroelectric Phase Related to Ice III
There is a gradual transition from the orientationally disordered III to an orientationally ordered and probably antiferroelectric phase, which is designated IX, starting at about − 65°C and …
Novel Science: What’s cooler than being cool? Ice-nine.
2021年1月4日 · In real life, ice IX, as it’s stylized, is a special configuration of solid water that forms at supercool temperatures — between -85 degrees Fahrenheit and -162 degrees …
focused on interpreting the vibrational spectra of ice IX. Ice III has a hydrogen-disordered structure and exists at 24− 44 °C and 2.4−3.4 kbar. Whalley et al. found that, at 65−108 °C, …
冰IX - Wikiwand
冰九(Ice IX)是水的一种固体形态,在温度140K或-133.15摄氏度以下且压力介于200到400兆帕时保持稳定。 它具有 四方 晶格,密度为1.16克/厘米 3 ,比普通冰高26%。