Ice Mage - Elder Scrolls Online
2019年8月18日 · Good afternoon! Looking to see what class would be best currently for a Ice/Frost mage theme build. I have the sets I want to use 5xYsgramor 5x Winterborne Not sure on monster set Strictly for Overland/PVE and normal trials. *NOT FOR VET CONTENT- so please hold the it won’t stuff.
ice mage - Elder Scrolls Online
2018年2月10日 · ice mage is absolutely fine, in fact my best overall character is an ice mage, you guys just got be creative, ice mage does NOT play the same as other builds P.S. i have both an ice staff character and several SB characters, and i prefer my ice staff, its perfectly up to par, it just plays differently P.P.S: heres the stats for my ice mage build it …
Ice Mage Build — Elder Scrolls Online
I play a winterborn setup on my magnb. An ice mage of sorts. I have done alot of testing and found a setup that procs winterborn consistantly and will snare people to were they just can't move at all without spamming snare removers.-5 winterborn-5 lich-2 skoria-5-1-1 all tri stat glyphs all spell damage glyph-1 master ice staff charged with ice …
Ice Mage - Page 2 — Elder Scrolls Online
The warden has ice damage passives and maybe 2 skills that do ice damage. The rest are magic damage or physical morphs. Frost damage enchants get a good little bump on them. I mean to say you probably could use any class you want, just throw on ice staves for your frost Mage. Necromancer has the best of all worlds with elemental builds.
Ice Sorcerer - Elder Scrolls Online
2020年4月1日 · it's still pretty hard to be a frost warden. we have no-where near as many legitimate frost damage abilities compared to sorc's shock and especially dk's fire. stuff like impulse is pretty bad and arctic wind lasts for a measly 5 seconds and continues to have it's emphasis on healing when that is unneeded, concerning current pvp balance and morph choice on a majority of warden tanks. and the ...
Ice Mage Wardens?! - Page 2 - Elder Scrolls Online
Light weave with an ice staff on a backbar and use winter's revenge, front bar sleet storm though it doesn't do much damage. Improves the strength of your rotation though. In PVP I'd really like to see an ice mage build that's focused on rooting.
Ice staff/warden ice mage still underperforming ... - Elder Scrolls …
2017年9月16日 · Ice blockade is more an utility skill since it has a chance to induce chilled status for minor maim and a snare on targets but overall ice staff and warden ice abilities are more suited to tanking than DPS. Ex. having an ice staff equipped gives block cost reduction and block mitigation passives and fully charged heavy attacks taunt.
Ice Mage Wardens?! - Elder Scrolls Online
2017年5月28日 · Honestly, the moment they turned Ice into a tank element, they threw Wardens or any semblance of a ice mage under the bus. They could have introduced the frost warden tree as both a tanking AND dps tree depending on morphs. But, they chose a niche designation for ice and now we have this. That wasn't a good move imo.
Ice mage warden pvp build — Elder Scrolls Online
2018年6月21日 · It is not competitive unfortunately. You can have fun playing 'annoy your enemy' game but you will find yourself mostly dead because ice mage spec is very much weak compared to just regular mWarden builds. Ice lacks damage. If you want to really play that ice mage, you are better off going Healthden really.
Ice Mage Tanking Proposal — Elder Scrolls Online
2018年12月23日 · Force the Ice mage to rely on damage shields, healing and magicka to absorb and nitigate damage. Problem #3: The current Ice Staff is entirely heavy attack dependant. A Heavy attack taunts the enemy, creates a damage shield on the user and restores magycka, while the light attack does nothing.