Corpus Christi IceRays | North American Hockey League | NAHL
Address: Corpus Christi IceRays 1900 N. Shoreline Suite 300 Corpus Christi, TX 78401 : Phone: 361-814-7825: Fax: 361-980-0003: Website: goicerays.com
Ice-ray patterns: A rediscovery of past design for the future - Phys.org
Mar 20, 2024 · Some ice-ray patterns, resulting from optimization, surprisingly provide better strength than regular gridshells under self-weight. There is also an additional aesthetic …
Fractal-based algorithmic design of Chinese ice-ray lattices
Apr 1, 2022 · This paper has proposed a novel approach to understanding the underlying geometric rule in traditional Chinese ice-ray lattices using fractal geometry and then …
Ice-Ray: A Note on the Generation of Chinese Lattice Designs
Stiny’s ice-ray grammar is revisited and shape rules are adapted, including additional rules for augmenting a polygon by inscribing a triangular shape, to apply to twisted surfaces. This …
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Random fractal-based computational design of an ice-ray (IR) …
Apr 1, 2024 · Chinese ice-ray (IR) lattices, known for their intricate and visually fascinating random patterns as decorative elements in traditional 18th-century Chinese window design, …
Ice Ray - Dragon Ball Wiki
Ice Ray (アイスレイ Aisu Rei) is a technique used by Eis Shenron. The user shoots a thin ray from his eye that freezes anything it hits. Eis uses this technique against Super Saiyan 4 …
ice-ray-examples | The Architects' Take
ice-ray-examples. by Alan Huguenot, CEPE | The “ice ray” pattern is used in traditional Chinese designs such as lattices and paving stones. Min|Day Architecture used this as an algorithm to …
Chinese Lattice Designs - JULIA RITSON
Jun 9, 2011 · The ice ray design is one of my favourite type of Chinese lattice. Like you I only discovered it through Daniel Sheets Dye book. I have travelled through China and taken many …