Icelandic Sheep: Who raises them? - Homesteading Forum
2020年12月14日 · Hi! We just started raising Icelandic Sheep this past June. We had never experienced sheep in the past... Cows, pigs, chickens, but never sheep! I was concerned to …
Shetland Icelandic crosses - Homesteading Forum
2007年6月3日 · When I got my Shetlands in 2005, they came with a 3/4 Shetland 1/4 Icelandic cross, a wether named Leon. He's my best buddy. He's a cranky old guy, but smart as can be, …
Icelandic or Shetland sheep for a beginner hobby farmer?
2013年10月30日 · LOL And she has been the easiest sheep I have ever halter trained. The Icelandic's are a bit larger, most are dual coated and can be a bit more work to separate the …
Icelandic sheep? - Homesteading Forum
2005年9月8日 · Icelandic sheep? 1605 Views 10 Replies 8 Participants Last post by eieiomom, Sep 13, 2005 Jump to Latest
Will Icelandic sheep clear out wild roses? - Homesteading Forum
2013年6月2日 · Livestock Forums. Sheep
Expert Advice on Icelandic Sheep Under a Year Old - JustAnswer
Customer: Hello, I have three icelandic sheep, all under a year of age. One of the ewes has lost hair only on the top of her head, over the last three weeks. The Baldish spot has increased to …
New to Icelandic sheep - Homesteading Forum
2013年7月24日 · Have a friend with a number of nice Icelandic sheep. She uses Icelandic Kelp mixed with a loose mineral supplement, said it makes the perfect mineral mix for Icelandic …
Grooming wool sheep for show? - Homesteading Forum
2006年8月30日 · Primative wool sheep should be shown in full fleece, so your Icelandics should be fine. (I show Shetlands, I don't see Icelandics being too terribly different.) We shear in mid …
how much acreage per Icelandic sheep? | Homesteading Forum
2004年5月23日 · Can anyone tell me a rule of thumb for acreage/sheep for Icelandic Sheep? We just made an offer on a place that was a little smaller then we were looking at originally. It is …
I have a pregnant icelandic sheep ewe who isnt acting
Customer: I have a pregnant icelandic sheep ewe who isnt acting right. Since last friday, and actually about a week before that she has been acting "off". It has just become more …