Prime and Ick Treatment? | Cichlid Fish Forum
2012年10月11日 · Super Ick Cure- contains Benzaldehyde Green and PVP Treat, wait 48 hours and treat again, wait 48 hours and then do a 25% PWC and add activated carbon to filter The tank was cycled when I added the fish. It had 15 1.5-2" fish in it. 2 days before I added the new fish I removed these 15 then added 15 3/4" fish and 5 1.5" fish.
anyone use quick cure for ICK, need some advice
2010年10月22日 · The QuICK Cure won't kill ick in cyst stages, so in addition you may want to consider salt & heat. None of the copper based meds have an effect on the cysts. There is a very good article in the board library about ick and gives detailed instructions for using salt & heat.
Ick Attack - Cichlid Fish Forum
2010年9月1日 · Still fighting ick after a week and a half. The Black Neons and Cardinal Tetras are the only fish heavily peppered with ick. I am using AP Super Ick Cure powder after using one of the one drop products. I also added some salt and Aquarisol. The temperature is still at 86.
Ick or Fungus?? Pictures included! - Cichlid Fish Forum
2010年6月21日 · The "film" could be a reaction from the ammonia or the super ich cure. Which is why I posed the initial question about the ammonia. If overdosed, the super ich cure could cause many of the problems you are describing and if the ammonia build up is recent, that would be further indication of a potential overdose of the medication.
Is this ick? | Cichlid Fish Forum
2013年4月23日 · I would not use quick cure on scaleless fish. I would however treat with salt. Salt is much less stressful as a treatment then quick cure. 4-5ppt for 7 days should do the trick. A lot of people recommend raising the temp, i would only say to do that if you tank is below 75f. it does look like ich, you will need to treat the whole tank.
Understanding and Treating Ich | Cichlid Fish Forum
2009年12月24日 · Some products claim to "cure ick within 24 hours." Based on what we know about the lifecycle of this parasite, that is simply not possible. Copper-based medications are commonly recommended for treating ich. Some brand names include CopperSafe® by Mardel, General Cure® by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, and Aquari-Sol®.
Aquarium Products Aquari-Sol - Cichlid Fish Forum
2018年6月25日 · Aquari-Sol is proclaimed by fish hobbyists world-wide as the most effective preventative treatment against Ick. Aquari Sol can be used to cure outbreaks of Ick (though Quick Cure is recommended). Once cured, Aquari Sol is an excellent preventative treatment that won't harm fish or aquarium plants.
question about victoria green - Cichlid Fish Forum
2013年10月8日 · does victoria green cure ick AND fungus? i bought medication for my new fish he was sick when i bought him, and it was actually the reason I bought him in hopes of saving it ( he did not get the sickness from my tank) anyways the med is called Jungle Ich guard , …
Yellow lab sick swollen lips ??? please help | Cichlid Fish Forum
2019年12月31日 · Update: with aquarium salt and ick cure solution and melafix .the fish is doing good so far .. the swollen lips reduced half than it's previous and the fish is active as well ...I think I got lucky.. will treat with furan2 today .. API ick cure also has nitrofurazone same content as furan2 may be that's why it worked
Question about API super ick cure liquid | Cichlid Fish Forum
2011年4月12日 · Question about API super ick cure liquid Jump to Latest Follow 2K views 1 reply 2 participants last post by xxbenjamminxx Apr 12, 2011