Home - ICOF
Inter-continental oils and fats (ICOF) Our sister company focusing on creating value for our clients, through building sustainable palm oil solutions to fit each client needs
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Musim Mas: A Leader in Sustainable Palm Oil Solutions
Inter-Continental Oils and Fats (ICOF), a member of Musim Mas Grou, undertakes our global marketing activities. As one of the most prominent players in the palm oil industry, we aspire to be a responsible leader in the industry’s evolution, driving a new era of …
Sustainability - ICOF
At ICOF, we are fully committed to improving the livelihoods of smallholders, workers, and communities and delivering a positive environmental impact.
- [PDF]
企业宣传册 - Musim Mas
春金集团(Musim Mas)是世界上棕榈油行业最大的企业之一。 我们的业务涉及棕榈油供应链的每一个环节:从管理种植园和工厂到提炼毛棕榈油和制造棕榈油产品,由庞大的船队油轮和驳船支持,提高我们的物流能力。 我们在亚太、欧洲和美洲的13个国家拥有37,000名员工,致力于以环境、社会和经济上可行的方式满足全球棕榈油需求。 - 系印尼春金集团的成员。 我们的竞争优势在于我们垂直整合的商业模式,包括广泛的陆地和海上物流网络,以及我们的 RSPO-隔离供应链认证。 可以 …
ICOF (Musim Mas Group) - Chemical Supplier - Walsh
Headquartered in Singapore, Musim Mas Group is a fully integrated palm oil corporation that delivers the highest quality and innovative palm oil products and oleochemical derivatives used across multiple industries worldwide.
ICOF America, Inc. - LinkedIn
Inter - Continental Oils and Fats (ICOF) is a one-stop global leader in the merchandising and distribution of tropical oil and derivative products. ICOF is the marketing arm of the Musim Mas...
Inter-Continental Oils and Fats (ICOF) - LinkedIn
Inter-Continental Oils and Fats (ICOF) is the marketing arm of Musim Mas Group and a one-stop global leader in the merchandising and distribution of tropical oil and derivative...
Musim Mas: Leading Sustainable Palm Oil Solutions Provider
Our vertically integrated palm oil model is built for supply chain excellence. We excel at delivering reliable, high-quality palm oil products and derivatives that enable you to be competitive and innovate to meet the fast-changing needs of your consumers.
カーボンクレジットは、企業・自治体等が森林の保護や植林、再生可能エネルギーの導入、省エネルギー設備導入などを行うことで生まれたCO2吸収・削減効果を証書やクレジットとして売買できる制度です。 温対法での報告に対応したプランやご要望に応じたオフセット効果をお選びいただけます. 例えば、A重油を100KLご使用の場合・・・ 出光カーボンオフセットfuel「ICOF」についての詳細はこちらからご覧いただけます。
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