Functional Services Provision | FSP | ICON plc
ICON is the world's leading provider of Functional Service Provision (FSP). Through our global Strategic Solutions, we provide strategic outsourcing consulting, advising on organisational …
ICON Strategic Solutions
As the largest global provider of Functional Service Provision (FSP) with over 90 partnerships and 14,000+ employees, we have deployed FSP solutions across all major functions, from clinical …
Functional Services Provision | FSP | ICON plc
icon 领导了 18 种疫苗的开发,获得了 fda/ema 的批准,其中包括世界上第一个获批的 covid-19 疫苗 治疗领域洞察 ICON 的治疗专家定期为行业出版物内容做出贡献。
Pharmaceuticals | ICON plc
Our operational, functional and therapeutic specialists offer a range of full -service, blended and FSP models that can be customised to deliver the most efficient operating model to meet your …
服务 | ICON plc China
2 天之前 · ICON专家能够帮助实施以患者为中心的替代试验模型--从数字健康技术集成到居家临床访视和灵活的监测解决方案。 我们的服务涵盖产品开发和商业化的整个生命周期,既适用于 …
The evolution of FSP: not just for large pharma - ICON plc
Large pharma and biotechnology companies historically use traditional CRO and FSP models to deliver their clinical programs. This model lends itself well to customers without global scale, …
ICON中国 | ICON plc China
icon 是一家世界领先的智慧型医疗临床研究组织(cro公司) 通过为药厂、生物科技和医疗器械公司、政府和公共卫生组织提供外包服务,我们不断推进从分子到药物领域的临床研究进程。
ICON Strategic Solutions - LinkedIn
ICON Strategic Solutions is the global leading provider of Functional Service Provision (FSP) services. Through combined functional, operational, and talent expertise, ICON offers FSP …
DOCS - LinkedIn
Through combined functional, operational, and talent expertise, ICON offers FSP models that provide cost-savings, clinical expertise and significantly improve business performance. ICON …
CRO Partnerships - ICON plc
For ICON, these are some of the key factors for developing a successful partnership: As the world’s leading clinical research organisation powered by Healthcare Intelligence, and the …