ORCID Brand Guidelines
ORCID’s name, logos, icons, illustrations, and fonts are all part of the ORCID brand. These brand assets include, but are not limited to: use of the name ORCID in domains. ORCID Brand Library: messaging, handouts, presentations, and other materials to …
ORCID is a free, unique, persistent identifier (PID) for individuals to use as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities. Learn how ORCID can help you spend more time conducting your research and less time managing it.
ORCID iD icon graphics - figshare
2021年7月15日 · Use our official, unmodified green iD icon to represent ORCID. Allow for at least 50% buffer space around the icon. For the 16 x16 px icon, this translates into an 4 px margin on each side of the icon. Optional: Scale the green iD icon to the height of your text. Don't: Rotate the icon. Add a drop shadow. Animate the icon.
How to copy and insert ORCID iD symbol in Word? (feat. Full …
2021年7月26日 · For Compact ORCID iD, you just need to delete https://orcid.org / and keep your numbers only (e.g., 0000-0001-5727-2427) after the green symbol. Your Name 0000-0001-5727-2427. For Inline ORCID iD, you just need to keep the green icon only after the name. APA Style requires you to use Full ORCID iD under the Author Note of your Title Page.
展示指南 ORCID 出版物中的 ID - ORCID
ORCID iD 图标和 iD URI 应该易于读者查看、理解和查找。 ORCID iD 应与其各自的作者明确关联,最好在主要作者列表中。 也可以使用单独的、明确标记的部分。 ORCID iD 应在所有设备(计算机和移动设备)上可见且可解析。 收集的出版商 ORCID iD 应使用身份验证进行此操作,并在其常规 Crossref 元数据存储中提交 iD. 对于那些也参与 Crossmark 的出版商,Crossref 将自动添加 ORCID 到 Crossmark 弹出框的 ID。 显示在超级作者的出版物中. 在超级作者出版物(即拥有 …
How to show ORCID ID with a centered icon? - TeX - TeX - LaTeX …
2023年2月15日 · From How to add Orcid ID in LaTex article?, they suggest to display the ORCID icon with the following package: \orcidlink{https://orcid.org} is an ORCID link. However when I do this, the ORCID icon is shown as a superscript (the letters ID are above the letters of …
ORCID Icon | Font Awesome
ORCID icon in the Solid style. Make a bold statement in small sizes.. Available now in Font Awesome 6.
"orcid" Icon - Download for free – Iconduck
2020年12月31日 · This open source icon is named "orcid" and is licensed under the open source MIT license. It's a colored icon. It's available to be downloaded in SVG and PNG formats (available in 256, 512, 1024 and 2048 PNG sizes). It's part of the icon set "Super Tiny Icons", which has 281 icons in it. This graphic is also a logo.
Iconoid Download Free (Windows) - 3.8.6 | Softpedia
2010年8月19日 · Customize Windows’ original right-click context menu using this free, portable and open-source utility meant to enhance your workflow. With support for a long list of plugins, this minimalistic...
Iconoid(桌面图标修改器)v3.8.6免费版 - 沃下载
2020年8月15日 · Iconoid是可以调整Windows系统桌面相关设置的免费工具,其功能包括更改桌面图标文本的颜色、图标文本的背景色、自动隐藏桌面图标及任务栏、保存及还原桌面图标位置等。 Colors标签设置图标文本色及其背景色,可以设置成受支持的任意颜色,默认设置为透明背景色(Transparent)及自动文本颜色(Automatic Text Color)。 没有上面的设置界面,则需要点击Disable Drop Shadows按钮,它会禁用系统性能设置中的“在桌面上为图标标签使用阴影”。 如 …
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