V1-X - Icon Pro Audio
Expand your V1-M to 16, 32, or even 64 channels depending on your DAW with the V1-X DAW Control Extender. Each V1-X houses eight touch-sensitive motorized channel faders with 12-bit resolution, eight dual function encoder knobs, mute, solo, select and record buttons, plus an TFT display showing channel names and different control parameters for ...
iCON Pro Audio V1-X Extender for V1-M DAW Control Surface …
2023年10月19日 · Expand your V1-M to 16, 32, or even 64 channels depending on your DAW with the V1-X DAW Control Extender. Each V1-X houses eight touch-sensitive motorized channel faders with 12-bit resolution, eight dual function encoder knobs, mute, solo, select and record buttons, plus an TFT display showing channel names and different control parameters for ...
Icon V1-X – Thomann United States
Suitable for Icon V1-M; Expands Icon V1-M (Art. 579412) by 8 additional channels; Up to 7 V1-X can be connected to one V1-M (64 channels maximum, depending on the DAW used) 8 Touch-sensitive motorised faders with 12-bit resolution; Level display per channel, 2" TFT display for parameter values and 1.14" TFT display for additional information
Icon Pro Audio V1-X DAW Control Expander for V1-M - B&H Photo …
Incorporate the V1-X DAW Control Expander to unlock unparalleled potential for your V1-M. Each V1-X module boasts eight touch-sensitive motorized channel faders with 12-bit resolution, complemented by eight dual-function encoder knobs, and …
V1-X | iCON 艾肯
v1-x. 8个x12段的高质量触感电动音量推子; 轻巧耐用,功能灵活; 板载oled显示屏,显示通道名称、控制值、通道颜色等(取决于daw) 准确直观的led计量仪表屏; 每个通道的附加下部1英寸tft显示屏(一些daw配备用于在此屏幕上显示附加信息)
Icon Pro Audio V1-M & V1-X - Sound On Sound
Icon Pro Audio are no newbies to the control surface arena. Their QCon series has always looked the part, and they’ve since added a wide range of other products at different sizes and price levels. Jumping to the top of the tree, I had the opportunity to …
iCON推出新DAW控制器系列 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年5月29日 · iCON DAW控制器 V1-M, V1-X, P1M, P1X和P1 Nano. 虽然一些新的控制器在提供的功能方面有新的突破,但其他的控制器将直接替代一些现有的型号。 像V1-M和V1-X这样的设计使用一个有五层的触摸屏控制系统,可以用iMAP软件进行配置。 这使你可以在多达三个DAW之间快速切换。 同时,你可以得到以12位分辨率运行的电动推子和一个非常明显的计量显示。 较大的V1-M配备了一个点动轮和时间码显示,而V1-X也可以扩展现有的控制器设置。 作为QCon …
iCON 推出众多 V1 和 P1 系列新 MIDI 控制器和控台 - midifan:我 …
2023年4月23日 · iCON 在 NAMM 2023上推出了全新的 DAW 控制器系列。 包括 V1-M、V1-X、P1-M、P1-X 和 P1-Nano 控制器。 其中一些新的控制器在功能方面有新的突破,然后其它一些控制器会直接替代一些现有的型号。 像 V1-M 和 V1-X 这样的设计采用了五层触摸屏控制系统,可以用 iMAP 软件进行配置。 这让你可以在多达三个 DAW 之间快速切换。 同时,你可以得到以 12-bit 分辨率运行的电动推子和非常显眼的计量显示。 较大的 V1-M 配备了一个转轮和时间码显 …
Extender V1-M USB MIDI DAW Controller - Icon | CPC
Expand your V1-M to 16, 32, or even 64 channels depending on your DAW with the V1-X DAW Control Extender.
iCon Pro Audio V1-X Extender for V1-M DAW Control Surface
Extender for the iCon Pro Audio V1-M MIDI DAW controller providing 8 smooth action dual-function encoder knobs, 8 touch-sensitive motorized faders with 12-bit resolution, and clear LED meters housed in a robust metal casing. Expand your iCon Pro Audio V1-M to 16, 32, or even 64 channels depending on your DAW with the V1-X DAW Control Extender.
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