IQOS VEEV Preview: A High-Tech Vape with Bluetooth Connectivity …
2020年11月3日 · The IQOS VEEV is an intelligent pod system by PMI and a follow-up to their previous kit. It utilizes 2 mL pods with mesh coils, 18 mg nic and pairs to your s...
VEEV ONE is a potentially better alternative to cigarettes. It offers a full experience without tar*, without cigarette smoke and without smell. It features a mini ceramic heating technology that delivers consistent taste and a low e-liquid detection system designed to prevent burnt taste.
Vaping with VEEV ONE | IQOS UK
VEEV ONE is a sleek, aluminum pocket-sized device providing consistent taste and high-quality flavours without compromising on convenience. Why choose VEEV ONE. E-liquid delivers up to 2000* puffs per pack of 2 pods. Powerful battery makes a full charge in less than 45 minutes. Moulded from a single block of aluminium to make it durable and robust.
Kúp si elektronické cigarety VEEV ONE | IQOS SK
Objav elektronickú cigaretu VEEV ONE od IQOS, ktorú je možné opakovane použiť vďaka VEEV ONE vymeniteľným náplniam s e-liquidom. V našej ponuke je to najlepšia elektronická cigareta pre dospelých užívateľov, ktorí chcú skúšať rôzne príchute.
Discover VEEV ONE: Our New Pod Vape | IQOS UK
VEEV ONE is our new pod based system. The device is rechargeable and uses replaceable pods that are pre-filled with e-liquid. VEEV ONE features a compact ceramic heater and low liquid detection system. The device body is moulded from a single block of aluminium.
VEEV ONE, la nuova sigaretta elettronica | VEEV Italia - VEEV™ …
VEEV ONE, la nuova sigaretta elettronica che si ricarica rapidamente, in meno di 45 minuti. Progettata per evitare il gusto di bruciato. Fino a 2000 tiri con 2 pod.
Discover VEEV ONE, the compact and easy-to-use pod system, and VEEV NOW disposable vapes, designed for quality vaping moments.
Αγόρασε το Ηλεκτρονικό Τσιγάρο VEEV ONE - IQOS
Το νέο ηλεκτρονικό τσιγάρο VEEV ONE με προγεμισμένα pods προσφέρει έως 1000* εισπνοές ανά pod και διαθέτει ισχυρή μπαταρία που φορτίζει σε λιγότερο από 45 λεπτά. Η έξυπνη τεχνολογία mini ceramic του VEEV ONE εγγυάται ομοιόμορφη γεύση κάθε φορά ενώ αποτρέπει την υπερθέρμανση και τη γεύση καμένου.
IQOS VEEV: The result of science made right
2022年5月9日 · Built through a fully automated process for reliability, IQOS VEEV MESH™ heating technology maximises the contact between the heater and liquid to control temperature – and to deliver taste consistency every time – unlike wick and coil e-cigarettes.
iqos veev працює з одноразовими подами veev, тому його не потрібно заправляти і доливати рідину. IQOS VEEV має вбудовану систему контролю рівня рідини, що забезпечує захист від сухих та горілих затяжок.
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