The International Committee of the Red Cross Emergency Travel …
2022年6月7日 · In exceptional cases, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) issues one-way emergency travel documents for humanitarian purposes to people who do not possess a passport or other recognized travel document and find themselves unable to return to their country of origin or residence, or to proceed to a country offering temporary or ...
ICRC Emergency Travel Document 2 • Issued to asylum seekers, refugees, migrants in particularly vulnerable situations, displaced people or stateless people, all of whom do not possess a passport or other recognized travel document and find themselves unable to return to their country of origin or
The ICRC issues its emergency travel document for humanitarian purposes to people who do not possess a passport or other recognized travel document and find themselves unable to return to their country of origin or residence, or to proceed to a country
New ICRC Emergency Traveldocument - secoia-excon.com
2018年10月26日 · The ICRC issues its emergency travel document for humanitarian purposes to people who do not possess a passport or other recognized travel document and find themselves unable to return to their country of origin or residence, or to proceed to a country offering temporary or permanent refuge or asylum.
From 2000 to 2011, the ICRC has delivered 51'364 ICRC Travel Documents that benefited individuals of 121 various nationalities to make a single journey from 114 countries of departure to 114 countries of destination.
Emergency Travel Documents in course of time - www.secoia.ltd
2019年5月3日 · The ICRC issues its emergency travel document for humanitarian purposes to people who do not possess a passport or other recognized travel document and find themselves unable to return to their country of origin or residence, or to proceed to a country offering temporary or permanent refuge or asylum.
1.1 In the absence of global standards or specifications on “Emergency Travel Documents” (ETDs), it has been highlighted that this is an area where there remains a need for guidance to promote global consistency and improve facilitation of travellers.
ICRC Audiovisual Archives
Title : Qu'est-ce que le titre de voyage d'urgence ? = What is the emergency travel document ? = ¿ Qué es el documento de viaje de emergencia ?
Emergency Travel Document - Refworld
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Date. 2018. Document type. Legal Policy and Guidance. Collection. Policy & Guidance. Profile Keywords. Refugee travel documents / CTDs. Travel documents. Disclaimer: This is not a UNHCR publication. UNHCR is not responsible for, nor does it necessarily endorse, its content. Any views expressed are ...
The International Committee of the Red Cross Emergency Travel …
In exceptional cases, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) issues one-way emergency travel documents for humanitarian purposes to people who do not possess a passport or other recognized travel document and find themselves unable to return to their country of origin or residence, or to proceed to a country offering temporary or ...