HR - International Committee of the Red Cross
Start your human resources career and help us attract, develop and retain the best talent for the ICRC. Learn more about our career development opportunities and apply today. human …
icrc job vacancies - International Committee of the Red Cross
From medical assistance and food distribution to logistics and finance, see our humanitarian career opportunities and apply for a job vacancy.
空缺职位 | 红十字国际委员会 - International Committee of ...
想要搜索全球职位吗? 探索我们有关人道影响、洞见、法律与政策的博客、应用、评论和其他资源。 如欲了解我们如何处理您的个人数据,请查阅我们的 隐私声明。
About the recruitment process - International Committee of the …
ICRC’s process has different steps depending on the position. But normally they go as the below: Application; Screening of Application; Language tests (if a specific language is necessary) HR …
Join the ICRC and help protect lives and dignity
We work in multidisciplinary teams that bring together employees from around the world and locally hired talent. We look for professionals who are highly motivated and committed to doing …
HR Manager | ICRC - International Committee of the Red Cross
Functional Manager: Regional HR Partner ; What we do. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) works worldwide to provide protection and humanitarian assistance to people …
humanitarian hr - International Committee of the Red Cross
Join ICRC's Human Resources team and make a difference. Explore our humanitarian HR job opportunities and apply now to contribute to our mission.
HR PAYROLL & DATA OFFICER (French Speaker) Job Details | icrc
The French speaking HR Payroll Officer will work under the supervision of the Regional Payroll Hub Manager and is responsible for the accurate and timely processing of payroll of 500-1000 …
Career site for ICRC - International Committee of the Red Cross
Our global talent pool is a database of diverse professionals who are interested in working at the ICRC. Whether you are looking for a new role or curious about our future opportunities, our …
Recruitment services - International Committee of the Red Cross
2015年6月22日 · For additional information on job opportunities and on how to apply for a post with the ICRC, please look under the heading "Working for the ICRC" on our website at …