FS2Crew Main Page - FS2Crew
FS2Crew develops leading Flight and Ground crew simulation addons for Microsoft Flight Simulator, Prepar 3D and FSX.
[ANNOUNCEMENT] Crew Manager - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
2021年3月29日 · I am pleased to announce the development of Crew Manager, a next-generation passenger and crew simulator for MSFS2020 which leverages the power of the cloud to deliver immersive experiences through any hardware. Like my other project FindMyPlane, this will be free and open source.
Downloads - FS2Crew
Free addons available to the pubic by FS2Crew for Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020), Prepar 3D and FSX.
Multi Crew Experience Website - Downloads
Fully interactive, fun to use crew simulation, for MSFS 2020, Prepar3D, FSX, FS9 and X-Plane using voice control, or button control (with fully supported planes in MSFS). Now supports MSFS 2024. PMDG 777, Flybywire A380 Inibuild A320, PMDG 737, Fenix A320, Inibuild A310, FlyBywire A320, iFly737MAX, Asobo ATR, and many more..
iCrew™ | iFly Virtual
Welcome to iFly Virtual, are you ready for an adventure? Thank you for choosing to fly with us. We are happy to have you as part of our team. If you ever have any questions, comments or …
simMarket: FS2Crew
FS2Crew develops airline crew simulations and other addons for Microsoft Flight Simulator, Prepar 3D and FSX. The flight simulation add-ons you are purchasing are legally protected …
Flight Crew A320 (Button Control) Released for MSFS
2020年9月2日 · Featuring a new user interface and redesigned for the new Microsoft Flight Simulator, Flight Crew A320 to the sim an extra level of immersion and realism. Here are the …
【微软模拟飞行论坛】 - 微软模拟飞行社区 - ChinaFlier
2025年3月5日 · 01、本版为MSFS2020专业飞行版块,仅用于各飞友之间的学习交流。 02、该版块内禁止谈论与飞行无关的事宜。 03、严格禁止任何军事、政治、宗教、反动、迷信等言论。 04、飞友间交流语言文明,和谐共处,不得相互诋毁、谩骂。 05、支持和鼓励飞友积极发贴,分享飞行经常和心得,供新学员参考借鉴和学习。 06、对于新学员的问题,鼓励积极回复,让新学员尽快成长。 07、鼓励飞友发布MSFS2020平台各种机型插件飞机的文字或视频教程帮助新学 …
微软模拟飞行2020:全教程,含下载汉化优化 - 百度贴吧
《微软模拟飞行2020》共有三个版本,分别为标准版、豪华版、高级豪华版。 售价419港元 (约合人民币371元),包含20架极为精细且具有独特飞行模型的飞机,以及30座手工打造的机场。 售价639港元 (约合人民币566元),将包含标准版中的全部内容以及 5 架额外的飞机及 5 个额外的国际机场。 售价799港元 (约合人民币708元),包含标准版中的全部内容以及 10 架额外的飞机及 10 个额外的国际机场。 Steam和Microsoft Store购买的游戏均可以以正常方式下载,游戏本体大 …
Delta Virtual Airlines
We are a group of flight simulation enthusiasts who fly Delta Air Lines and its alliance partners' routes using Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, Flight Simulator X (including Steam Edition) and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. We also support Lockheed-Martin Prepar3D v1-5 and Laminar Research X-Plane 10/11/12.