Icom ID-4100A release debut - QRZ Forums
2017年2月18日 · Icom Japan announced today they will be releasing a new 50W dual band mobile called the ID-4100A. A welcome replacement for the recently retired ID-880H, the new ID-4100A enjoys the new terminal and access point modes found in the latest ID-51A-PLUS2. The new ID-4100A also includes: • DR (D-STAR Repeater) Function with the latest user interface
Icom ID-4100 quick review - QRZ Forums
2017年6月17日 · The quick menu button function is a welcome addition over the ID-880H, especially when using the radio in a mobile. The ID-880H had issues with harsh transmit audio in the FM mode. The ID-4100A does not seem to have this issue. Unlike the ID-880H, the ID-4100A has primitive audio equalization settings for TX or RX.
Icom ID-4100A vs ID-880H Smackdown | QRZ Forums
2017年8月29日 · AmateurLogic.TV's ID-4100A vs ID-880H Smackdown [ATTACH] George and Tommy from Amateur Logic TV compare the ID-4100A and the ID-880H. [MEDIA]...
Icom ID-4100A release debut | Page 3 | QRZ Forums
2017年2月18日 · They are now able to chose between big display or small display but great useability. The former ID-880 was just horror to use without a manual. The ID-4100 can be used very easy because there´s much more place for options on the display. If you want it nice, simple and small....the ID-4100 is the right one! More room available....use the 5100.
id-4100 - QRZ Forums
2017年2月18日 · Icom ID-4100A release debut Icom Japan announced today they will be releasing a new 50W dual band mobile called the ID-4100A. A welcome replacement for the recently retired...
Icom ID-4100A vs ID-880H Smackdown | Page 2 | QRZ Forums
2017年8月29日 · Icom ID-4100A vs ID-880H Smackdown. Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W5JDX, Aug 29, 2017.
Icom ID-4100A release debut | Page 2 | QRZ Forums
2017年2月20日 · Icom ID-4100A release debut. Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W4LKO, Feb 18, 2017. Tags: ...
id-4100a | QRZ Forums
id-4100a. Thread Icom ID-4100A release debut. Icom Japan announced today they will be releasing a new 50W ...
dstar mobile | QRZ Forums
2017年6月16日 · Icom ID-4100A release debut Icom Japan announced today they will be releasing a new 50W dual band mobile called the ID-4100A. A welcome replacement for the recently retired...
d-star - QRZ Forums
2019年1月20日 · Icom ID-4100A release debut Icom Japan announced today they will be releasing a new 50W dual band mobile called the ID-4100A. A welcome replacement for the recently retired...