DNA 结合抑制因子 2(ID2)基因 | MCE - MCE-生物活性分子 ...
DNA 结合抑制剂家族的成员通过 HLH 结构域抑制它们的异二聚化伙伴,以显性负性方式抑制基本螺旋-环-螺旋转录因子的功能。 这种蛋白质可能在负向调节细胞分化中发挥作用。 该基因的假基因位于 3 号染色体上。 [RefSeq 提供,2011 年 8 月] The protein encoded by this gene belongs to the inhibitor of DNA binding family, members of which are transcriptional regulators that contain a helix-loop-helix (HLH) domain but not a basic domain.
ID2 Gene - GeneCards | ID2 Protein | ID2 Antibody
2024年12月25日 · ID2 (Inhibitor Of DNA Binding 2) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with ID2 include Ewing Sarcoma and Retinoblastoma. Among its related pathways are Signaling by NTRKs and Nuclear Events (kinase and transcription factor activation).
肿瘤医生应该知道的生物标志物之:IDH1/IDH2 - 知乎
IDH1/2是人类癌症中最常发生突变的代谢基因,干扰细胞代谢和表观调节,促进癌症发生。 【解释】: IDH1和IDH2编码异柠檬酸脱氢酶1和2,催化异柠檬酸氧化脱羧成ɑ-酮戊二酸(α-KG) ,IDH1/2是人类癌症中代谢基因(metabolic genes)发生突变频率最高的,并干扰细胞新陈代谢和表观遗传调控,从而促进肿瘤发生。 IDH1/IDH2病理作用. 新发急性髓系白血病 (AML)中, IDH1/2突变患者多为正常核型、年龄偏大,伴NPM1突变。 IDH2 R140Q突变更多见,对生存 …
IDH突变、表观遗传与靶向治疗 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
IDH是三羧酸循环的限速酶,能够催化异柠檬酸使之氧化脱羧生成α-KG和CO2。 由IDH催化的这一反应不仅是TCA循环上不可缺少的一个环节,还是细胞内NADPH/NADH等物质的重要来源之一,在细胞氧化还原平衡稳态的保持上也有着重要的作用。 此外,反应产物α-KG除了作为物质代谢的中间产物之外,在表观遗传学、蛋白质翻译后修饰等方面也具有重要的功能。 α-KG的存在对于细胞中一类叫做Fe(II)/α-ketoglutarate(α-KG)-dependent hydroxylase(翻译成中文就是“ …
DNA结合抑制剂家族成员以显性负方式抑制基本螺旋-环-螺旋转录因子的功能,通过HLH结构域抑制其异二聚化伴侣。 这个蛋白质可能参与负调控细胞分化。 这个基因的一个假基因位于染色体3上。 [由RefSeq,2011年8月提供] Dir./Indir. 该模块正在开发中,请耐心等待我们的数据更新。 A human Id-like helix-loop-helix protein expressed during early development. The status, quality, and expansion of the NIH full-length cDNA project: the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC).
IDH2 - Wikipedia
Isocitrate dehydrogenase is a digestive enzyme that is used in the citric acid cycle. Its main function is to catalyze the oxidative decarboxylation of isocitrate into alpha-ketoglutarate.
IDH2 Gene - GeneCards | IDHP Protein | IDHP Antibody
2024年12月25日 · IDH2 (Isocitrate Dehydrogenase (NADP (+)) 2) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with IDH2 include D-2-Hydroxyglutaric Aciduria 2 and Multiple Enchondromatosis, Maffucci Type. Among its related pathways are Citric acid cycle (TCA cycle) and Transcriptional activation of mitochondrial biogenesis.
ID2 inhibitor of DNA binding 2 - NIH Genetic Testing Registry …
2024年6月17日 · Members of the inhibitor of DNA binding family inhibit the functions of basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors in a dominant-negative manner by suppressing their heterodimerization partners through the HLH domains. This protein may play a role in negatively regulating cell differentiation.
ID2 癌基因 - 癌症123
Members of the inhibitor of DNA binding family inhibit the functions of basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors in a dominant-negative manner by suppressing their heterodimerization partners through the HLH domains. This protein may play a …
IDH2 gene: MedlinePlus Genetics
At least two mutations in the gene have been found to cause a type of 2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria known as D-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria (D-2-HGA) type II. This condition has a variety of signs and symptoms that result primarily from progressive damage to the brain beginning early in life.
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