Audient iD4 - Downloads
Keep up to date with the latest drivers, documentation and more to make the most out of your Audient product. iD4 delivers the audio performance of a large format console in a portable desktop package enabling you to record your vocals and guitar simultaneously.
iD4 - 2in / 2out Audio Interface - Your recordings made better
Designed to take your recordings to the next level in every way, the iD4 (MKII) delivers professional audio performance in a compact and modern desktop package, giving you everything you need to make studio quality recordings at home.
Audient iD4 - Technical Specifications
iD4 delivers the audio performance of a large format console in a portable desktop package enabling you to record your vocals and guitar simultaneously.
英伦双子星: Audient iD4 & iD14 MKII 评测 | 叉烧网
2021年2月9日 · iD4 和 iD14 怎么选 ? iD4 MKII:超便携小钢炮 个人唱作:1 路话放 + 1 路乐器输入,刚好满足弹唱需求,还有 iD 按钮提高创作效率;欣赏音乐:听歌看电影打游戏,可同时连接一对音箱和两幅耳机,而且耳放推力充足;
iD4 (MKI) – Audient Help Desk
These articles relate to the iD4 MKI which was discontinued on Jan 2021 with the launch if the iD4 MKII.
目前最具声价比的“台机”,Audient iD4详评
2021年4月3日 · 4和14只有音频通道数的差别,耳机口的音质是没有区别的,普通发烧友只需考虑iD4即可。 iD4的详细参数,官网上已经罗列得很明白,我这里就照搬过来了。 值得注意的是,iD4的参数有几个亮眼的地方。 首先就是它的DAC和耳放口的动态范围 (dynamic range)高达125.5db-A计权,已经在万元级别声卡或解码的平均水准之上。 动态范围是衡量DAC性能的重要指标之一,动态范围越大,听到的细节越多,结像的轮廓越清晰。 尤其是表现大型交响乐或是 …
iD4 Detailed Specs – Audient Help Desk
ID4 - Firmware Change Log; iD Interface Specification Comparison Chart (As Measured in Real World Use) iD4 Detailed Specs; iD4 Detailed Specs Daniel Mills September 16, 2023 07:46; Updated; MICROPHONE PREAMPLIFIER: (measurement includes ADC signal path) MIC GAIN: 0 to 58 dB LINE GAIN:-10 to 48 dB (-10dB hardwired line pad) ...
Audient iD4 USB 2-in/2-out High Performance Audio Interface
2015年11月7日 · Buy Audient iD4 USB 2-in/2-out High Performance Audio Interface: Audio Interfaces - Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases
오디언트 iD4의 모든 것! - 네이버 블로그
2023年12月11日 · 현재 판매 중인 iD4 모델은 iD4 mk1과 iD4 mk2 두 가지입니다. iD4 mk1은 2015년에 처음으로 출시되어, 한국에서는 2016년부터 판매되었습니다. Audient 사의 마이크 프리앰프와 컨버터의 뛰어난 품질을 아는 장비 사용자들에게 작지만 단단한 iD4는 출시 초기부터 화제였습니다. 2021년, mk1의 지속적인 인기 속에서 Audient는 mk2를 출시했습니다. Audient는 1인 미디어 시대에 루프백 기능이 중요해지자, 이 기능을 탑재한 소형 오디오 인터페이스를 …
「动态大爆炸」Audient 发布新一代 iD4 & iD14 | 叉烧网
2021年1月7日 · 接口方面 iD4 和上一代保持了一致,为「2进2出」,其中一路输入是乐器/DI输入。 而 iD14 则是 「10进6出」 ,除了之前提到的双耳机口之外,还增加了一组 TRS 线路输出;数字输入则得到了保留,同时支持 ADAT 和 SPDIF,可以额外扩展多至 8 路输入,适应更多录制 ...