java - How to build JARs from IntelliJ IDEA properly? - Stack …
2023年4月19日 · Use Gradle to build your project, then the jar is within the build file. Here is a Stack Overflow link on how to build .jar files with Gradle. Java project with Gradle and building jar file in Intellij IDEA - how to?
java - How do I change the IntelliJ IDEA default JDK? - Stack …
I use IntelliJ IDEA as my development environment, and Maven for dependency management. I frequently build my project structure (directories, poms, etc) outside of IDEA and then import the project...
java - Error "ClassNotFoundException" in IntelliJ IDEA - Stack …
2016年4月7日 · For me, in IntelliJ-Idea 2016, the problem was that in Project_structure/modules, in the Path tab you have to check "Inherit project compile output path", rather than "Use module compile output path"
java - "Cannot resolve symbol" in Intellij IDEA - Stack Overflow
2024年12月2日 · If is selected, click the 'New' button, select JDK and then select the correct path to the JDK e.g. /opt/java/jdk1.8 or c:\Java\Jdk1.8 3. Corrupt JDK There may be a problem with your JDK installation, re-install JDK 4. Re-import the project Close the project if it is open in IntelliJ Delete the .idea folder in the project source code folder.
java - Setting up JUnit with IntelliJ IDEA - Stack Overflow
2016年11月18日 · Familiar with Java but unfamiliar with IntelliJ, how does one "get started" with JUnit integration? Inspired by Looking for a tutorial on using JUnit with Intellij IDEA 9.x which didn't answer my questions and was for an older version of IntelliJ.
java - How do I set up my IntelliJ IDEA environment for JDK8 ...
How do I set up my IntelliJ IDEA environment up for JDK8 development? I'm running IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1.3 Community Edition. There are miscellaneous settings for the Java set up throughout the IDE and from time to time I find all the hiding places and get it set up.
Unable to run Java code with IntelliJ IDEA - Stack Overflow
2015年6月19日 · I have just downloaded the IntelliJ IDEA, and I want to edit my first Java file with it, I'm not interested in creating a whole project, just editing the single file. So I opened the file from my desktop with Intellij IDEA as I set it as my default program for opening .java files. I write some code and the main run and debug buttons are greyed out!
java - IntelliJ: Never use wildcard imports - Stack Overflow
2019年10月27日 · Update: in IDEA 13 "Use single class import" does not prevent wildcard imports. The solution is to go to Preferences (⌘ + , on macOS / Ctrl + Alt + S on Windows and Linux) > Editor > Code Style > Java > Imports tab set Class count to use import with '*' and Names count to use static import with '*' to a higher value.
System.out.println () shortcut on Intellij IDEA - Stack Overflow
2016年8月17日 · I know I can print System.out.println () with "sout" + tab. Is there a way I can do it with "Syso" + ctrl + space like in eclipse? java intellij-idea edited Aug 17, 2016 at 9:24 Paolo Forgia 6,74685059 asked Aug 17, 2016 at 8:54 m.rossi 2,66221313 1
java - Use JDBC/Mysql Connector in intellij idea - Stack Overflow
2015年6月5日 · I'm new in Java, and I need to establish a connection to a MySQL server (local), I have add the libraries in Intellij idea but it seems not work, the IDE can't find the class i think... I become cr...