The 1st IEEE International Workshop on Integrating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Cybersecurity Research (IDEI-CR 2022) Goal of the workshop: The workshop aims to stimulate dynamic, progressive, potentially paradigm-altering innovative practices and methodologies for cybersecurity research that encourages positive and sustainable impact on ...
Call for Papers: IDEI-CR22 | IEEE Computer Society
This workshop aims at exploring interrelationships of DEI and the success in cybersecurity research and measure and highlight the outcome of integrating DEI in evaluating current security incidents, including the notion of the threats, the overall status of vulnerabilities, and the conceivable outcomes of security drawbacks.
Jean-Luc Gaudiot’s Post - LinkedIn
IDEI-CR 2022 The 1st IEEE International Workshop on Integrating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Cybersecurity Research (IDEI-CR 2022) will take place on 27 June - 1 July 2022, in Torino,...
ICLR 2025|小米新一代Kaldi语音识别算法CR-CTC,纯CTC性能实 …
Feb 7, 2025 · 近日,小米集团新一代 Kaldi 团队关于语音识别算法的论文《CR-CTC: Consistency regularization on CTC for improved speech recognition》被 ICLR 2025 接收。 主流的自动语音识别(ASR)模型包括 CTC [1]、transducer [2] 和混合系统 CTC/AED [3]。 CTC 是其中最简单、最便于部署的方法,但由于它的性能通常明显落后于 Transducer 和 CTC/AED,这限制了它的实际应用。 为此,新一代 Kaldi 团队提出了 Consistency-Regularized CTC (CR-CTC),可以让纯 …
International Day to End Impunity | IAMCR
In 2013 the United Nations proclaimed November 2 as the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists (IDEI). In the past decade 700 journalists have been killed for reporting the news and bringing information to the public: on average one death every week.
Idei - 科研通
Idei: 期刊缩写: 温馨提示 (此期刊未被最新的JCR期刊引证报告收录) 涉及主题 (科研通AI识别)
Con nuestro liderazgo y calidad en desarrollos inmobiliarios, hoy somos la empresa más sobresaliente en el norte del país. Crear proyectos inmobiliarios sustentables únicos y …
Culture of Interculturality, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (IDEI ...
May 1, 2024 · To increase teacher candidates’ knowledge skills and dispositions, we propose a theory-based program focused on interculturality, diversity, equity, and inclusion (IDEI) that aligns with...
数说产发院 - NJU
长江产业经济研究院(南京大学)(英文名称Yangtze Industrial Economic Institute,简称“长江产经院”、“IDEI”)成立于2015年11月,是在中宣部指导下,由江苏省委宣传部和南京大学共同建设的国家级专业化智库,并被列为江苏省首批重点高端智库。
47 Idei cr idei | crafturi, crafturi de crăciun, decor crăciun
13 aug. 2021 - Explorează panoul „idei cr” creat de Gabriela Maruntelu pe Pinterest. Vezi mai multe idei despre crafturi, crafturi de crăciun, decor crăciun.