IDEO - A Global Design & Innovation Company
Find out how design can set you apart, help you grow, and solve your toughest challenges. We design magical products, brands, services, and experiences that people truly value. We build critical skills that help you lead organizational transformation, build resilience, and create change.
IDEO Design Thinking | IDEO | Design Thinking
“Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer’s toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success.” IDEO has been defining and evolving design thinking for decades, and applying it alongside our partners to create their courageous futures.
About IDEO: Our Story, Who we Are, How We Work
We’re a multidisciplinary community of makers who leverage discovery, play and experimentation to help organizations get and stay ahead now and in the future. We design breakthrough products, services, brands, and experiences; craft strategies that help businesses grow; and build critical capabilities that transform organizations.
IDEO - Wikipedia
IDEO (/ ˈaɪdioʊ /) is a design and consulting firm with offices in the U.S., England, and China. It was founded in Palo Alto, California, in 1991. [6][7][8] The company's 500 staff uses a design thinking approach to design products, services, environments, brands, and …
IDEO China - A Global Design & Innovation Company
For more than 20 years, IDEO has helped China's leading organizations make the future. Find out how design can set you apart, help you grow, and solve your toughest challenges. You can find all of our native content in Chinese on our WeChat page.
设计思维是啥?来看看不同家的设计思维: IDEO, Frog, IBM, D …
设计思维诞生于20世纪50年代,最初启蒙的概念是“参与式设计” (Participatory Design or Cooperative Design )。但这个概念最早并不是来自设计领域,而是以“参与性方法论”(Participatory Methodology)大量存在于城市规划(Urban Planning)领域。
设计思维的历史 | IDEO | Design Thinking
IDEO自 1978年创始 以来, 以来就一直在实践 以人为本的设计方法,并开始使用“设计思维”这个短语来描述我们认为最容易学习和教授的实践元素,比如移情、乐观、迭代、创意自信、实验以及拥抱不确定性和失败。 我们从经验中知道,客户重视这些技能,就像他们重视我们为他们设计的产品一样。 这促使我们分享设计思维的思维方式、方法和技巧。 你可能听过这句谚语:授人以鱼不如授人以渔,这句话同样适用于设计思维。 我们希望教会人们如何在生活、社区、企业和组织 …
IDEO is a global design and innovation company - ideo.cn
IDEO是全球领先的创新设计咨询公司,通过以人为本的方式,致力于运用设计创造积极的影响。 想要在中国探索如何创造更好的未来? 我们期待与您进一步交流。 你好! 联系我们. Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form. 我们一直在寻找优秀的人才加入我们! IDEO is a global design company. We create positive impact through design.
【设计前沿】IDEO公司的设计方法 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
ideo是设计公司的典范,其产品开发过程中有许多新颖的、富有创意的方法。 IDEO的设计过程分为四个阶段:观察、头脑风暴、原型化、实施。 观察:“创新始于双眼”,IDEO认为观察是一切设计开始的原点,亲身体会胜于…
IDEO U: Design Thinking Training & Online Leadership Courses
Explore IDEO's online learning in design thinking, creative problem solving, leadership, and strategy. Gain skills and confidence with our expert-led programs.