老外最常用的网络英文缩写!IDK、SMH什么意思? - 搜狐
2018年8月26日 · idk 就是 I don’t know,也就是「我不知道」的意思,在聊天打字的时候很常用。 另外,还有另一种口语化的写法叫做 dunno,是 don’t know 的口语缩写,也很多人会使用。
2019年1月22日 · idk就是 I don’t know,也就是「我不知道」的意思,在聊天打字的時候很常用。 另外,還有另一種口語化的寫法叫做 dunno,是don’t know的口語縮寫,也很多人會使用。 這是 just kidding 「開玩笑的」的縮寫,當你在和朋友打趣、開玩笑時可以用,或是當你說出一些話,想收回或是覺得不太妥的時候,也很常拿來亡羊補牢! smh是 shaking my head 的縮寫,這句話直譯的意思是「搖搖頭」,在使用上有點類似「傻眼」或是「不太ok」的意思,通常用來表示負面 …
Idk meaning? What 'idk' means and how to use it in conversation.
2023年1月14日 · "IDK" is an abbreviation that means "I don't know," according to Merriam-Webster. The term, often spelled out in lowercase as "idk", is one of many acronyms used in texting, social media and...
Learn the Meaning of “Idk”—With Examples - Grammarly
2023年11月20日 · What does idk mean? Idk is an abbreviation of the phrase I don’t know. Idk is part of the newly developed dialect called text speak or SMS language. This dialect is mostly used in informal communication, and especially when communicating via text messages or instant messages. The phrase idk has been part of text speak since at least 2002. How ...
What Does IDK Mean? Definition, Usage & Examples
2025年2月23日 · IDK stands for “I Don’t Know.” It’s a casual way to express uncertainty or a lack of knowledge. People use it when they don’t have an answer or aren’t sure about something. Like many abbreviations and acronyms, it’s widely used in informal settings, especially in text messaging, social media, and online chatrooms.
What Does "IDK" Mean, and How Do You Use It? - How-To Geek
2020年6月7日 · IDK should be used as shorthand for "I don't know" in text and instant messaging to express uncertainty when trying to come up with an answer to a question, or when trying to describe something unknown.
What does IDK stand for? - Abbreviations.com
Looking for the definition of IDK? Find out what is the full meaning of IDK on Abbreviations.com! 'I Don't Know' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource.
IDK中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
IDK翻译:我不知道(I don't know 的缩写,多用于社交媒体或手机短信等)。了解更多。
What Does Idk Mean? - Meaning, Uses and More - FluentSlang
2023年9月19日 · The acronym IDK is a popular slang term that stands for “I don’t know.” It is commonly used as a one-word response to a question when someone has no answer or is unsure. The term can be seen almost anywhere online, but it is most frequently used in online chat and text messaging.
IDK - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
slang An initialism of "I don't know." Used primarily in online or SMS communications. Often spelled in lowercase letters. A: "what time R U coming home?" B: "idk, maybe 5?" A: "How do you suggest we fix it?" B: "IDK what it would look like, just something that's more fair to everyone!" A: "What do u want 4 dinner?" B: "IDK, whatever you want."
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