The Secret Power of Idleness - Psychology Today
2020年1月8日 · Creative people need downtime when their daydreaming brains can bring new ideas, and novel products, to light. One way of achieving this inner quiet is through withdrawing from other people....
The Psychology of Laziness
2024年6月23日 · To be idle is: not to be doing anything. This could be because you are lazy, but it could also be because you do not have anything to do or are temporarily unable to do it. Or perhaps you have...
Idleness - Wikipedia
Idleness is a lack of motion or energy. In describing a person, idle suggests having no labor: "idly passing the day". In physics, an idle machine exerts no transfer of energy. When a vehicle is not in motion, an idling engine does no useful thermodynamic work.
Idleness versus busyness - ScienceDirect
2019年4月1日 · From busy to idle, different uses of time result in distinct perceptions of time and have far-reaching psychological consequences. In this article, we review the growing research in psychology on the actual versus perceived consumption of time, with a …
Idle Brain: Understanding Mental Inactivity's Impact
2024年9月30日 · Explore the meaning of idle brain, its causes, benefits, and consequences. Learn strategies to manage mental inactivity and optimize brain function.
Idleness: A Philosophical Essay | Reviews | Notre Dame …
2018年11月18日 · Idle actions are spontaneous expressions of what individuals prefer to do as they act within the contexts they have chosen. Most significantly, idleness contrasts with those potentially self-defeating conceptions of life that connect freedom to self-actualization within rule-governed institutions."
"Idleness and Society": a conversation with Brian O'Connor …
In the book, I align idleness most closely with laziness, as opposed to other related terms such as leisure or play. If we look at leisure as an example of what many people think of as idleness, it’s a perfectly respectable activity in organized societies – it’s legislated for and encouraged.
Idle people-翻译为中文-例句英语| Reverso Context
Idle people in cities and towns, lwop personnel, retirement personnel, farmers, and individual traders, allow engaged in business activities in urban and rural fairs. 城镇闲散人员、停薪留职人员、退休人员、农民以及个体商贩,允许在城乡集市从事经营活动。 There may be idle people in the world, but I'm not one of them. 我这人吧,去的地方也多,怎么也算是个见多识广的人了。
空闲的人英语怎么说 - 水滴英语作文网
2023年2月21日 · 空闲的人英语叫做 "idle people"。 其中 "idle" 的意思是 "没有工作的,闲置的"。 这个词起源于古英语 "idle" 或 "idel",最早出现在14世纪。
Idleness: why God dislikes it and how to keep it out of your faith …
2016年5月28日 · Idleness is something that God dislikes. It is the state of being lazy, inactive and without motion. Worse, it is also the state of being superficial, pointless and purpose-less – something that God didn't create you for. Idleness opens up …