了解iDPC TEM最新成像技术! - 知乎专栏
本文介绍了 ThermoFisher Scientific 推出的 iDPC (Integrated Differential Phase Contrast, iDPC)成像技术的特点和优势,展示了代表性的应用实例。iDPC成像技术解决了目前STEM成像领域的两大瓶颈,即轻重元素原子的同时成像问题和对电子束敏感材料的成像问题。
In situ imaging of the sorption-induced subcell topological
2022年4月28日 · Combining iDPC-STEM imaging with an atmosphere system, we achieved in situ observation of the dynamic subcell topological deformation of MFI channels with atomic resolution while the whole MFI zeolite single-crystal structure was maintained nearly unchanged. We revealed the intrinsic mechanism of a molecule breaking through the pore size limit.
Atomic Insight into the Local Structure and Microenvironment of ...
2022年6月28日 · Herein, we construct isolated Co-motifs into purely siliceous MFI zeolite frameworks (Co-MFI) and reveal the location and microenvironment of the isolated Co active center in the MFI zeolite framework particularly beneficial for propane dehydrogenation (PDH).
同一种表征技术发完Nature再发Science,清华大学魏飞教授课题组 …
清华大学魏飞教授课题组继2021年4月21日在Nature发文” A single-molecule van der Waals compass”,使用积分差分相位衬度扫描透射电子显微技术(iDPC-STEM)实现了单个对二甲苯(PX)分子在准二维ZSM-5沸石骨架内的直接成像。
A single-molecule van der Waals compass - Nature
2021年4月21日 · Using iDPC-STEM imaging, we can clearly resolve the atomic structures of the ZSM-5 framework and the orientations of the PX molecules. According to these orientations we can then directly...
Regioselective hydroformylation with subnanometre Rh clusters in MFI …
2024年5月15日 · Here we show the design of efficient Rh-zeolite catalysts, in which subnanometre Rh clusters are selectively confined in the sinusoidal ten-membered-ring channels of MFI zeolite, for the...
Three-dimensional inhomogeneity of zeolite structure and
2023年5月11日 · Among emerging low-dose TEM techniques, integrated differential phase-contrast scanning TEM (iDPC-STEM) has proven effective for imaging zeolite structures, especially for studying guest species located in the micropores (18–20). Despite the demonstrated successes, iDPC-STEM has limitations.
Atomic imaging of zeolite-confined single molecules by electron ...
2022年7月13日 · On the basis of integrated differential phase contrast scanning transmission electron microscopy (iDPC-STEM) 23, 24, 25, we directly observe the adsorption and desorption behaviours...
Here we show the design of eficient Rh-zeolite catalysts, in which subnanometre Rh clusters are selectively confined in the sinusoidal ten-membered-ring channels of MFI zeolite, for the …
再登Science!华南理工合作成果取得新进展 - 澎湃新闻
2023年5月12日 · 该研究成果针对现有原子分辨率低剂量成像技术的不足,将低剂量成像技术中的样品倾转和电子计量控制方法运用于叠层衍射,在几十纳米厚的多种沸石分子筛中实现了优于1 Å的横向分辨率和~6.6 nm的纵向分辨率。 丰富的三维结构信息使深入探究氧空位分布、孔道分子构型和纳米畴界面结构等局域结构及成分特征成为可能。 由于沸石分子筛是石油化工行业中最重要的固体催化剂之一,低剂量成像技术的突破将有助于更深入地探究其构效关系,加速催化剂的 …
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