Idwal: Global leaders in ship inspections and marine surveys
Idwal is the ship inspection, technology and data business. The global leader in independent sale and purchase inspections and the industry’s trusted partner for fleet condition monitoring.
Idwal ID Home - Idwal Marine
Idwal ID delivers defect management, fleet analytics and benchmarking through detailed ship inspections and reports, with dynamic condition data on an intuitive platform. We conduct regular inspections across your fleet with our expert surveyors …
Idwal ID Inspection
With a robust inspection process, managed surveyor network, and centralised benchmarking intelligence, Idwal ID delivers integrated and actionable insights for enhanced decision making. K Line has used Idwal’s pre-sale services on numerous occasions to encourage an open and fair selling process for ships placed on the S&P market.
Why choose Idwal Marine? Reporting quality with unique vessel grading system. Access your account to retrieve your quotations, view the status of planned inspections and view your inspection reports. Don't have an account yet? 1. Select continent:
Inicio - IDIVAL
Gracias al impulso de sus Instituciones fundadoras, Consejería de Sanidad del Gobierno de Cantabria y Universidad de Cantabria, IDIVAL promueve y desarrolla la investigación y la innovación en el entorno biosanitario de Cantabria que tiene como epicentro al Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla, con vocación de buscar soluciones a los pro...
IADVL | Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists, and ...
We are pleased to announce the availability of 60 scholarships, each worth Rs 15,000, for IADVL members to attend the 13th South Asian Regional Conference of Dermatology (SARCD XIII) in Mangalore, India, from May 2-4, 2025.
使用mybatis-plus的saveOrUpdate的问题 - CSDN博客
Sep 15, 2022 · this.getById((Serializable)idVal)这个方法是 是通过id进行查询是否有id的这个数据 如果有的话就就是真 这样两个条件都成立 ---也就是id不为空,id这个数据存在的话 ---就进行修改
Inspection Portal
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MyBatisPlus 使用 saveOrUpdate()的正确姿势 - 掘金
Oct 10, 2023 · 大概意思是,它找不到那个是主键,因为它默认是按主键执行操作的! 所以需要在我们bean里面声明主键字段,@TableId (value = "id", type = IdType.AUTO)。 我们继续看源码红框下面的一行,获取主键的值idVal,继续下面的判断如果idVal不为空,会执行 this.getById操作,通过主键id查询记录,所以此时我们应该意识到, 主键id一定要使用封装类型,而非基本类型,实际上我们在定义对外POJO的时候尽量都使用封装类型,避免转换默认值。 按照上述就可以使用 …
R语言之IndVal(指示值)篇 - CSDN博客
Jun 29, 2014 · IndVal是indicator value的缩写, 直译为指示值. 本文的指示值主要指Indicator Value of Dufrêne and Legendre, 该指示值是综合fidelity (保真度, 通常用各分组的组内均值的比重表示)和specificity (特异性, 通常用组内出现率表示)的度量, 用置换的方法检验统计学显著. 定义请见: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indicator_value. 下面讲讲R语言里面如何应用指示值方法. 该方法在indicspecies包中, 使用这个包可用: 文章浏览阅读3.5k次。