Idwal: Global leaders in ship inspections and marine surveys - Idwal …
Idwal is the ship inspection, technology and data business. The global leader in independent sale and purchase inspections and the industry’s trusted partner for fleet condition monitoring. Our 500-point inspection reports provide transparent and actionable insights into a vessel’s maintenance, quality and ESG compliance, contextualised by ...
Idwal ID Inspection
Idwal is a reliable and trustworthy company that always provides fair and independent inspection reports to MOL’s vessels in line with MOL’s attitude to be open and fair to the market. MOL K Line has used Idwal’s pre-sale services on numerous occasions to encourage an open and fair selling process for ships placed on the S&P market.
Idwal Marine - Inspection Portal
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Idwal ID Home - Idwal Marine
Idwal ID delivers defect management, fleet analytics and benchmarking through detailed ship inspections and reports, with dynamic condition data on an intuitive platform. We conduct regular inspections across your fleet with our expert surveyors and provide you with access to the Idwal ID platform. Idwal ID is built on these 3 key pillars: inspections; surveyors; platform, enabling you to …
Inspection - Idwal
A Pre-purchase Inspection of the vessel was conducted on the 1st May 2021 in Singapore by Idwal. Good cooperation was provided by the ship’s crew with no access provided to the cargo tanks. A ballast tank was able to be entered and inspected. The vessel was anchor, standing by at the time of inspection.
英国船舶检验公司Idwal在新加坡设立亚洲总部 - 船级社 - 国际船舶网
2023年9月3日 · Idwal具有竞争力的价格和始终如一的准确客观的船检结果赢得了全球船舶监测的认可。 多年在全球航运界成功运作的Idwal标准已从第一个船舶状况的标准化表示演变为今天受到银行、金融机构、基金、船东、经纪人、保险公司、承租人等信任的“黄金标准”。
Condition Inspections - Idwal Marine
Idwal's condition inspection services are used by ship managers and financiers around the world to make informed choices and manage asset risk. ... Ask about an Idwal Decarbonisation Report for more clarity and practical customised recommendations. This is a personalised multi-page document that will determine your EEXI and CII scores and will ...
Idwal - LinkedIn
IDWAL is the ship inspection, technology and data business. The global leader in independent sale and purchase inspections and the industry’s trusted partner for fleet condition monitoring.
Idwal launches digital platform for maritime inspection and fleet ...
2024年1月27日 · The Idwal ID checklist, comprising detailed inspection parameters, goes beyond conventional assessments. Users can break down items into micro data-points, such as whether a vessel has Wi-Fi for crew members and the speed of the connection. This level of granularity offers a comprehensive view of the vessel’s operational and crew-related aspects.
Inspection - Idwal
A Condition Inspection of the vessel was conducted on the 2nd February 2021 in Mersin by IDWAL under instruction from portfoliomanagement AöR. Good cooperation was provided by the ship’s crew including limited documents provided. Ballast tanks, FPT and No 5 Double Bottom and Cargo hold No.5 were made available for entry however no previous ...