Incremental Epic Hero 2 Wiki - Fandom
Incremental Epic Hero 2 (IEH 2) is a reimagining of the original Incremental Epic Hero. The game is a mixture of incremental, idle and roleplaying genres set in a fantasy world filled with monsters and things to explore. Play it on Steam. Play it on CrazyGames. Join the Discord.
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[游戏评测] [终极团团] 放置类新游《增量史诗英雄2/IEH2》:6 …
2007年11月8日 · 本作战斗机制为,你可以同时装备6个武器/护甲/首饰,但这些格子只能慢慢升级解锁 (*暂时不知不氪金能否全解锁)。 免费玩家可能要Farm数日才能打过的副本,你比他们多9个装备的属性,进去就秒了。 上述,还只是储存方面的功能性增益。 本作还出售升级队列——又是一大堆。 还有各种自动功能/战斗加速功能——一大堆。 还有洗点等功能——一大堆。 *你想免费玩? 那还不如找个班上上。 如果! 你仍然没有被上述氪金内容劝退,坚持访问。 至少这两 …
Incremental Epic Hero 2 Officially Released in January 2025!
2024年12月29日 · With her charming Japanese anime-inspired art style, IEH1 resonated with players worldwide, amassing over 2 million plays! Arua drawing IEH2 illustrations (13 years old at the time) The games we create belong to the genre of Idle/Incremental games. IEH1 and IEH2 are better described as “Incremental RPGs that gradually become idle games.”
Fan Art - ArtStation
Explore artwork that celebrates and draws inspiration from existing properties. See fan art based on games, movies, books and more.
Incremental Epic Hero 2 [ver.] Revamped Journey: A ... - Reddit
2024年3月30日 · This is Hitan from Hapiwaku, Incremental Epic Hero 2 (IEH2) development team. Thank you as always for your support :) We are excited to announce the release of our major update [ver.]! In this update, we have significantly improved the progression from early to late game stages.
Incremental Epic Hero 2 General Discussions :: Steam Community
2022年7月22日 · Incremental Epic Hero 2 - Incremental Epic Hero 2 (IEH2) is the sequel to the original Incremental Epic Hero. Don’t worry if you haven’t played the first game—you can fully enjoy this one without any prior experience!This game is an Incremental/Idle RPG crafted by a Japanese developer.
我们发布了增量史诗英雄2的完整中文版本! - 百度贴吧
我们发布了增量史诗英雄2的完整中文版本! 感谢芭比茸,让我们的游戏很快就能实现全中文! 以下是他的评论。 小伙伴们大家好,出于对游戏的喜爱,我对游戏进行了汉化。 交流群664066418这个游戏仁者见仁智者见智,萝卜青菜各有所爱,如果你喜欢放置类游戏,可以看看下面对游戏的简介。 IEH2有各种各样的系统,互相关联且互相增益,包括但不限于地牢,技能,装备,称号,公会,城镇,锻造,炼金,挑战BOSS,宠物,声望等等各种增强能力的系统。
ieh2 진짜 미친듯이 재밌긴 하네... - 방치형게임 마이너 갤러리
2025年1月8日 · 게시물을 간편하게 NFT로 만들어 보세요! NFT란 블록체인을 이용해 디지털 콘텐츠 (사진,동영상,글 등)의 원본 여부와 누구의 소유인지를 증명 해주는 일종의 디지털 인증서 입니다. 내 게시물을 NFT로 발행해 디지털 자산으로 만들고 판매 해 보세요. ※ 디시인사이드 NFT는 무료로 발행할 수 있습니다. ※ 글쓰기 시 NFT 간편 발행을 체크하면 글 등록과 동시에 NFT를 발행할 수 있습니다. 비밀번호를 입력하세요. 타인의 권리를 침해하거나 명예를 훼손하는 댓글은 운영원칙 …
米哈游二创收藏夹 | miHoYo Fan Art - 米哈游原神、崩坏:星穹铁 …
miHoYo Fan Art Collection. 大型庆典节目 · 优秀二创作品 · 官方账号汇总