Space-time adaptive matched field processing (STAMP)
In this chapter, STAMP processing that combines STAP and MFP has been developed. Simulations show that STAMP coherently combines signal multipath spread in azimuth and Doppler and greatly enhances the target detection as well as providing target range and depth classification and localisation.
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Applying STAMP in road tunnels hazard analysis | 6th IET …
In this paper, the Systems Theoretic Accident Model and Processes (STAMP) which has been recently proposed by Leveson is introduced in the road tunnels hazard analysis process through a case study example.
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Effect of stamp design on residual layer thickness and contact …
2018年6月1日 · This work investigated the effect of pattern density as well as other stamp parameters, including stamp material, stamp thickness and cavity height, on residual layer thickness (RLT), contact pressure, and imprint quality.
Applying stamp in road tunnels hazard analysis - IEEE Xplore
2011年9月22日 · The road tunnels safety is an emergent property of the whole tunnel system, thus, a systemic accident model can better conceptualize the risk picture in these infrastructures. In this paper, the Systems Theoretic Accident Model and Processes (STAMP) which has been recently proposed by Leveson is introduced in the road tunnels hazard analysis process through a case study example.
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IET系列期刊通用模板 - CSDN博客
2024年10月12日 · 本仓库提供了一个IET系列期刊的通用模板资源文件,旨在帮助作者快速上手并规范地撰写论文。 该模板包含了作者简介、作者须知、BibTeX模板等内容,非常适合初次接触IET系列期刊的作者使用。
Using your designatory letters - Institution of Engineering and …
There’s something special about being able to use the designatory letters you’ve earned through being a member of the IET. To make sure you get the most from yours, we’ve put together this short guide of how and when to use them. What letters can you use? How do you use them?
最全IET期刊投稿模板下载 - CSDN博客
2024年10月19日 · 本仓库提供了一个名为“最全IET期刊的模板_TeX+Word.zip”的资源文件,该文件包含了IET期刊投稿所需的完整模板。 无论您是研究生还是科研人员,这些模板都能帮助您更高效地准备和提交论文。