IET - Institution of Engineering and Technology
Join the IET and help us to engineer a better world Whether you’re just starting out as an engineer, or you’re a senior engineer at the top of your game, we’re here to support you and make you a part of our thriving community.
Membership and registration - Institution of Engineering and …
Membership of the IET opens up the door to a diverse community, with networking, learning and professional development opportunities, information, and financial support. Our categories of membership include: Member, Technician Member, Associate, Student, Apprentice and Fellow.
Institution of Engineering and Technology - Wikipedia
The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) is a multidisciplinary professional engineering institution. The IET was formed in 2006 from two separate institutions: the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE), dating back to 1871. [1] Its worldwide membership is currently in excess of 158,000 in 153 countries. [2]
Key facts - Institution of Engineering and Technology
The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has more than 156,000 engineering and technology professionals in 148 countries. The Institution of Engineering and Technology is registered as a Charity in England and Wales (No. 211014) and Scotland (No. SC038698). IET members operate almost 100 Local Networks as well as 22 Technical Networks.
英国工程技术学会 - 百度百科
英国工程技术学会(IET, The Institution of Engineering and Technology),总部位于英国伦敦,是欧洲规模最大、全球第二(仅次于IEEE)的国际专业学会。
IET events and courses
Presenting your work at an IET conference raises your profile in the industry and is an opportunity for you to showcase your ideas and innovations. Learn more and see which events are currently inviting papers.
國際工程技術學會 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
國際工程與技術學會 [3] 又被译为英国工程技术学会 [4] ( Institution of Engineering and Technology 、簡稱为: IET )是工程技术领域的专业学术学会 [4] ,该學會的总部位于英國倫敦,在美国、中国、印度等地均设有办公室 [2] 。
IET single sign on
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IET Digital Library
The IET Digital Library showcases the science, engineering and technology focused content produced by one of the world’s largest engineering institutions with more than 156,000 engineering and technology professionals in 148 countries.
The IET in the UK - Institution of Engineering and Technology
The IET in the UK; The IET in the UK. Most of our hardworking staff team can be found thirty miles north of London, in Futures Place, Stevenage. Get in touch. The Institution of Engineering and Technology Futures Place Kings Way Stevenage Hertfordshire SG1 2UA UK. T: +44 (0)1438 313311. UK office location map.