Home - IFHC
The Indiana Family Health Council (IFHC) contracts with nonprofit and public agencies across Indiana to provide family planning and other medical services for low-income, working poor, and teens who otherwise may have to go without reproductive health services and counseling.
International Fund For Houbara Conservation
IFHC is a global leader in pre-emptive species conservation, which, for more than forty years, has used science to pioneer ground-breaking techniques to restore wild populations of the houbara bustard. The bustard birds make up the Otididae family and are large-bodied birds with long legs and slender necks.
Housing Resources | Housing Discrimination | Tenant Rights
The IFHC attempts to eradicate discrimination through, education on fair housing laws, housing information and referral, housing counseling, and assistance with mediating and or filing fair housing complaints, among other things.
Indiana Family Health Council - LinkedIn
Make an appointment for your reproductive health visit. We will be located at: 639 S. Walker St., Suite A Bloomington, IN 47403 812-668-2028. IFHC is pleased to announce a funding opportunity to...
International Fund for Houbara Conservation (IFHC) - SignalHire
The International Fund for Houbara Conservation (IFHC) is an Abu Dhabi government organisation dedicated to securing a sustainable future for the Houbara bustard; an emblematic yet vulnerable species ...
IFHC celebrates 40 years of houbara preservation
2022年9月28日 · The International Fund for Houbara Conservation (IFHC), the global leader in pre-emptive species conservation, this year, marks the 40th anniversary of the first hatch of captive-bred houbara chick in the UAE. The fund celebrates the occasion during its 11th year of participation in the Abu Dhabi I...
Annual Reports
© 2021 The International Fund for Houbara Conservation (IFHC). All Rights Reserved.
IFHC 2024国际高定展|广州时尚高端定制展览会
2024年7月16日 · 本届展览会以“品质、精益求精、用心服务、打造高端定制体验平台”为办展理念,聚集大湾区高端定制品牌及国内外高端定制行业的代表企业参展,预计展示场馆约30000㎡,参展单位400余家,现场观众30000余人,线上观众50000000余人,并邀请行业内直播达人100余人,行业媒体100余家共同为展会助力,展会涵盖定制服装、定制服饰、定制箱包、定制珠宝等高端定制领域。 展会将邀请大量国内外名时尚品牌、设计师和买手参加展会,为内地时尚产业提 …
Community Outreach - IFHC
Indiana Family Health Council helps teens make healthy and informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health through a variety of teen outreach programs with medically accurate and teen-friendly information.
Housing Resources | Housing Discrimination | Tenant Rights | Idaho
OUR BUSINESS HOURS. By appointment only. Mon - Thurs: 9:00am – 4:00pm Fri - Sun: Closed