Ifi S.p.A. - PopApp compact workstation
PopApp is a compact workstation containing all the equipment needed to produce, display and sell artisan gelato in just a few square metres. A stage where the gelato maker can put his/her …
POPAPP | Ice Cream & Gelato Workstation | MODALITA
PopApp is the Unique Gelato and Ice Cream workstation by IFI with a counter, gelato machine and display showcase. Get in touch for a Quote!
We are now recognised as a reference brand in furnishing for bars, gelato parlours, pastry shops and the entire food sector. Our display cases and technology for preserving food and beverages are synonyms for Italian excellence, and for every venue that we create, we always strive to …
Ifi S.p.A. - Gelateria PopApp
PopApp è una postazione di lavoro compatta che racchiude in pochi mq tutte le attrezzature necessarie per la produzione, esposizione e vendita di gelato artigianale. Un palcoscenico dove il gelatiere può mettere in mostra la sua arte, coinvolgendo e creando uno scambio continuo con le persone attorno a sé.
Ifi is proud to announce that the company has won its second Compasso d’Oro of its history, with the compact gelato shop project, PopApp. The ADI jury motivated the choice by underlining the highly innovative nature of the project and its qualities of “compactness and transportability”.
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Gelato PopApp è realizzato in Krion® di colore bianco, un materiale simile alla All’interno dell’elemento fisso di Gelato pietra naturale ma caldo al tatto, resistente, PopApp è inserito PANORAMA® TUBS igienico e riciclabile al 100%. 6 fori senza riserva, con vetri camera e …
PopApp – ifitechnologie
PopApp est une station de travail compacte qui renferme dans quelques m² tous les équipements nécessaires pour la fabrication, l’exposition et la vente de glace artisanale. Une scène où le glacier peut montrer son art, en faisant participer et en créant un échange continu avec les personnes qui se trouvent autour.
POPAPP - Counter refrigerated display case by IFI | ArchiExpo
Find out all of the information about the IFI product: counter refrigerated display case POPAPP. Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale.
IFI POPAPP - Lotus Food Services - F&B and Kitchen Equipment …
PopApp is a compact workstation, for 1 operator, that includes all the facilities requested by an artisan gelato production, storage and serving.
POPAPP - ADI Design Museum
Ifi “Popapp” ice-cream unit. Motivation: a true, large and compact gelato parlour allows the production, storage and sale of gelato in a small, flexible and innovative space. Its compactness and transportability make it possible to take the scent of Italian design anywhere in the world.
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