美洲狮步兵战车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
目的是生产一种通用的基础车型,可以担任装甲输送车(APC),步兵战车(IFV), 防空和在前线与主战坦克(MBT)协同作战。项目于2001年结束。 上个项目保留下的经验与教训被融入到 …
Puma (German infantry fighting vehicle) - Wikipedia
The Schützenpanzer Puma (SPz Puma), meaning “Schützen-AFV Puma”, is a German infantry fighting vehicle (IFV), per the Panzergrenadier-doctrine, designed to replace the aging Marder …
步兵战车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
步兵戰車 (英語: Infantry fighting vehicle, IFV;俄语: Боевая машина пехоты, БМП;日语: 歩兵戦闘車),是能搭载步兵,并能伴随步兵提供火力支援的 装甲运输车辆。 《欧洲常规武 …
Puma Infantry Fighting Vehicle Full specifications history & variants
Bundeswehr Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV ) in live ammunition exercises - a predator on tracks. The Puma Infantry Fighting Vehicle uses a Remote-Controlled Turret armed with the …
German Armor Blog: Puma IFV
The Renk HSWL 256 automatic transmission was specifically developed for the Puma IFV and the british AJAX scout vehicle. It has 6 forward and 6 reverse gears. The dry weight of the …
Infantry fighting vehicle - Wikipedia
An infantry fighting vehicle (IFV), also known as a mechanized infantry combat vehicle (MICV), [1] is a type of armoured fighting vehicle and armoured personnel carrier used to carry infantry …
Puma, the modern German Infantry Fighting Vehicle
2024年10月23日 · By 2020, 342 Puma IFV and 8 Puma DTT had been delivered to the Bundeswehr. Armament The vehicle’s main armament consists of an unmanned turret with a …
【转载】关于“黄鼠狼2”型IFV的简单科普 - 百度贴吧
黄鼠狼2步兵战车战斗全重为44.3公吨,载员配置为3+7,由MTU MT881 Ka-500提供动力,功率735千瓦/1000马力,公路时速可达60kph。 40吨级的步战,德国佬就不能整轻点吗。 【转载 …
Puma IFV [REVIEW + SPECS] | Defence Database
Puma IFV has a modular AMAP composite armour and is one of the best-protected infantry fighting vehicles in its class. As main armament, Puma has a 30 mm MK30-2/ABM …
红警2小科普(140)——IFV各模式数据补充 - 哔哩哔哩
这里是烈葱,今天将要介绍的不是单独的一个单位,而是对往期IFV篇目的补充(参考cv1895865),主要以补充武器数据为主。 废话不多说,那我们开始吧!